Internal meeting of Empowered Committee has been cancelled – AIRF

Rumour mongers are spreading false news through social media about 7th Pay Commission

Internal meeting of group of secretaries which was scheduled to be held on 11.06.2016 has been cancelled. Meeting didn’t take place at all. Shri P.K. Sinha Cabinet Secretary is heading the committee of Group of Secretaries.

On the clarion call of the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA), against the retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC, 11-point Charter of demands of the Central Government employees as also non-settlement of long pending genuine demands of the Railwaymen, AIRF and its affiliates organized huge demonstrations at all Zonal Headquarters of Indian Railways on 9 June 2016. On this occasion the employees of Indian Railway participated in mass demonstrations with full enthusiasm with holding banners in hand and shouting slogans for early redressal of their long pending genuine demands.

READ ALSOPay Fixation in 7th Pay Commission

On the one hand AIRF and its affiliates are fighting for the cause of Railway employees and on the other hand rumour mongers are spreading false news through social media. Rumour mongers are coming out daily with different kind of news and pay scales about 7th Pay Commission. They have even declared that government would take a final call on 7th Pay Commission during internal meeting of group of secretaries on 11th of June, 2016.

We will update on the issue soon. Please don’t believe rumour mongers on Whatsapp, Facebook and other social media sources.

We request all comrades to not to believe such rumour mongers. These fellows have no benefits but to lighten the feelings of agitated working class. AIRF urge comrades to be prepared for Indefinite strike which is scheduled on 11, July 2016 at 06:00 AM.

Source : AIRF

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1 thought on “Internal meeting of Empowered Committee has been cancelled – AIRF”

  1. I wonder how the unscrupulous bosses and bureaucrats who are well off have no concern to empathize with the poor condition of the employees and externd the due benefits recommended once in a decade. If the Parity and fixation is not denied,it is going to have serious ramifications. No Govt can work with disgruntled staff. It’s better that it Dawn’s on the top brass and they engage in negotiations with the Joint action committee soon.

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