CG Employees want NJCA to clarify the doubts regarding 7th CPC Issues

NJCA need to Clarify the Doubts of CG Employees over 7th CPC Issues

No clarity in the Press Statements of both Government and NJCA on 7th CPC issues

The six days Drama was come to an end yesterday. After the Union Cabinet Approved the implementation of 7th CPC Recommendations on 29th June 2016, a Meeting of NJCA leaders held on the next day on 30th June 2016. After the NJCA Meeting, some Leaders met the Group of Ministers at Home Minister’s Residence. It is said to be an informal meeting, so no any official announcement was made by Govt regarding this Meeting. But NJCA leaders told that GOM assured that they would refer this issue to a committee to review.

The same day, SRMU has declared that the Indefinite Strike is postponed based on the Govt assurance. From that day onwards there was lot of drama going on day to day over the issues of 7th CPC and Indefinite Strike

As per schedule the NJCA Leaders met on 6th July 2016 to decide on future course of Action. But the meeting was ended with a decision to postpone the Strike Action.

Finally, the Six Days confusion come to an end on 6th July after NJCA and Ministry of Finance issued Press Statements. [SEE : Press Release of Finimin and Press Statement of NJCA]

But Still there is no Clarity in these press statements on the following issues.

1. When will Notification for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations be published?

2. When will the CG Employees get 7th CPC salary.?

3. Why all allowances including HRA and TA referred to committee?

4. When will the revised rate of HRA and TA come into effect?

5. Does the NJCA really believe the proposed committee will recommend to increase Minimum Pay and Fitment Factor…?

6. If they believe so, why didn’t they say anything about the date on which the 7th CPC come into force…?

7. If 7th CPC comes into force from this Month, Does the NJCA believe the Minimum Pay and Fitment factor will be increased after four months?

8. Do the Govt and NJCA assure No Committee will be formed after four months…? [ Click to Read More ]

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9 thoughts on “CG Employees want NJCA to clarify the doubts regarding 7th CPC Issues”

  1. Comrades…..

    If Govt fails to increase fitment factor (more importantly for PB1, PB2, PB3 then don’t accept. Last pay commission for PB4 they increased by 3.24 for others it was increased by 2.86. So it should be reversed this time.

  2. To,
    Secretary General,
    Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers

    11th July 2016

    Dear Comrade,

    At the outset I appreciate your initiative to give clarification for deferring of the indefinite strike. It is a great gesture considering the hard work put in to galvanize the cadre across the country. That senior comrades addressed the cadre for mobilizing support for the indefinite strike is also appreciated. The balloon was inflated, the spirits were high, the atmosphere charged up and all were ready for the kill. We were ready to bite the bullet.

    When the drums were being beaten, the conchs were blown, the trumpets were at a crescendo with the war cry ‘ Har Har Mahadev’ I wonder how a a small pin deflated the balloon and a clarification was issued from your end vide point 5 “Hence different views may emerge in the NJCA, but final decision is taken by consensus. If each organization stick on to its own stand and others to follow it, there is no question of consensus and NJCA will not exist.”

    Refer :

    From the above the following questions emerge:

    1. Was there a difference of opinion within the NJCA before the indefinite strike call was given ?

    2. If not are you doubting the ability of the cadre to participate in the strike when the situation warrants ?

    3. In a game of chess should the NJCA play its strategic moves to ensure a victory or should they get unnerved by the moves of the opponent ?

    4. If your remember our country mobilized the armed forces after the Parliament attack. Crores were spent to galvanize the troops who were ready for the kill. But unfortunately they had to return to their barracks neither tasting blood nor victory. Why ? Reports say that the envoy to the US President advised restraint. So the war was called off. That simple. Should we draw a similar analogy here ?

    5. You have stated “… the decision taken by the Govt on the proposals submitted by the Empowered Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary (details of proposals of ECoS is not known to staff side) is not acceptable to the NJCA.”

    True. The question is did we not see a red line then ? Why did we allow 6 months to lapse before we took a call for indefinite strike and then withdraw the call to allow another 4 months to lapse ?

    You have stated “…The question of keeping in abeyance the implementation of the Cabinet decision on 29th June 2016 regarding 7th CPC recommendations, till the High Level Committee submits its report to Govt, was discussed in the NJCA meeting. It is decided that NJCA should not demand it, as the employees may be put to hardship, especially those who are in the verge of retirement.”

    My question is have not employees retired in the past 6 months ? Will not employees retire in the next 4 months ?

    6. I suppose 4 months will get over in the month of November 2016 ie when the committees will submit their report. This will happen just 2 months before the next budget in Feb. 2017. The office of the FM will be extremely busy with the budget proposals. Will they get time to read the committee’s report ? Will they have time to make provisions in budget 2017 for disbursal of the new salaries ?

    7. In case the new committees stick to the present stand that no changes need to be made then how much time will be required to galvanize the cadre again for an indefinite strike ? How much time will be required to give a fresh strike notice to the government ?

    Either way we are bound to enter the new financial year starting April 2017.

    We are like the common man in R.K.Laxman’s cartoon who silently watches the situation around him knowing fully well he does not have the wherewithal to effect a change.

    I hope the above questions will be pondered upon by the NJCA and I am confident you will take suitable measures to safe guard our interest.


    Inspector of Income tax
    B.Sc.(Stat), F.C.M.A.
    (M) +91-9408791263

  3. U. Venkateswarlu

    Dear comrades,

    Please retain the minimum pay scales as in 7th cpc up to grade pay 7600/-. whereas for grade pays from 8700 and above the fitment formula should be changed to 2.25 instead of 2.57 because these people have enjoyed huge salary hike in 6th cpc and so no need to give 2.57/2.62/2.67 fitment formula. Please do not fight for hike in 18000/- because it will apply to the new recruitment only and where as for the existing staff, we will fight for upgradation and hence for up to the grade pay 7600, the fitment formula should be 3.0 for 1 year exp. 3.2 for 2 yrs exp, 3.4 for 3 yrs exp, 3.5 for 4 yrs exp, 3.6 for 5 yrs and above exp.

  4. Delaying tactics being adopted by government. 1st three months extension, 7months by committee so called, no chnage in recommendation, further 4 months,still not sure of any change. UP, Gujarati, PUNJAB election round the corner, if election declared, CODE OF CONDUCT, THEN LIMBO.
    NJCA failed for interim relief for employee and pensioners.

  5. Firstly I oppose this type of comments. because this will help to disturb the actual supporters of the united movements. for all this questions wait and see is the answer. The NJCA a delegation of union leaders objected the govt’s decision of implementation. accordingly NJCA declared the strike action will be continued. the campaigns and agitations protests and a Delhi based unions was organized around 63000 employees participated and made it was a history. By seeing this strong protest government come forward for discussion with ministers. the ministers appealed the leaders to stop the strike action and assured verbally the demands will be considered. this assurance was not written on any paper.unfortunately due to some communication gab shri kannaiah Gen.sec.SRMU declared the strike action deferred due to the assurance by ministers. this was denied by one more union secretary shri. Shivaprakasam. and same time NJCA announced the strike action will go on shri. Kannaiah also accepted this. on 6th once again NJCA met the Home minister and as per his assurance the strike was deferred. It is indirectly understood that the 7th CPC will be implemented after the high level committees recommendations. and the NJCA send letter to govt not to implement as declared earlier.
    It is correct that 4 months period is more but our leaders honored the assurance of the minister. This is the reason. all the expectation asked here will be announced later.

  6. In India the best answer to any problem is formation of Come. … eatee. IAS Committe was constituted in 6th CPC to hike only PB4 fitment factor I.e.3.24 while for others 2.86
    Now Secretaries Committee has increased only one thing I,e. gratuity to Rs 20 lakhs.
    They know/ Govt know it’s not for everybody.
    So next COme eatee will try to raise for PB4 class after 4 months.
    Hats offfffff.

  7. Yes I agree with the comments of kvs.Atleast Interim relief should be demandef
    After declaration of interim relief strike should be deffered.NJCA have missed this oppotunity

  8. I don’t know why the Empl. Union leaders didn’t ask for Interim Relief atleast….!!!

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