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No: S.4924/2010/CGHS(R&H)/CGHS(P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
* ** * * * * * * *** *
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 17th January 2011.
Sublect: Clarification regarding reimbursement of Ambulance charges to CGHS beneficiaries-
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to state that this Ministry has been receiving several representations seeking clarifications regarding Ambulance charges to CGHS beneficiaries.
2. It is accordingly clarified that expenditure incurred on engagement of Ambulance by CGHS beneficiaries, comprising both serving Govt. employees and pensioners is reimbursable provided that:
(i) The doctor treating the patient certifies in writing that conveyance of patient by any other mode would definitely endanger the patient’s life or would grossly aggravate his / her condition and
(ii) That the journey is undertaken within the same city.
3. This issues with the concurrence of IED vide Dy. No. 4888/Dt.11.O1.2011 of the office of the AS&FA, Min., of Health &Family Welfare.
[Jai Prakash]
Under Secretary to Government of India