Official Fitment Table for Pre 2016 Pensioners – Concordance Table 44

Official Fitment Table for Pre 2016 Pensioners – Concordance Table 44

Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare has issued official Fitment table along with Concordance Table for Revising Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioner and Family Pensioners .

The Following Fitment Table 44 is for


The Pre 2016 Pensioners can refer this Official Fitment Table for Pre 2016 Pensioners – Concordance Table 44 given above to fix their 7th cpc pension as per the Revised Option 1. To see other Concordance Tables from 1 to 58 Click Here


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2 thoughts on “Official Fitment Table for Pre 2016 Pensioners – Concordance Table 44”

  1. Pratap Singh Negi

    Due to revision of Pay Matrix level 13 MF (index of rationalization ) from 2.57 to 2.67 Enhancement shown as per table is correct , but in cases of LPD 18300 and 18700 ( 5thCPC pay scale ) there is reduction ( (RPT REDUCTION} in pension in 7th CPC notional pay fixation for pension calculation. Therefore revised pay matrix requires rectification or initial Pay matrix be retained for these 2 LPDs

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