All details about KVS Online Admission 2020-21, Registration Form, Admission Guidelines, Eligibility, Method of Admission are provided below

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan provides the best education in KV schools at a very low cost. It has the best education system which nurturing the students to succeed in academic career and as well as professional career. So people wanted to join their kids in KV Schools in India
The process for KV Online Admission 2020-21 going to start for Class I admission and other classes in KV Schools from 20.7.2020. Select the topic below to read
- KVS Online Admission 2020-21
- KV Admission guidelines 2020-21
- KVS Online Admission form 2020
- KVS Online admission List 2020-21
- KV Admission under Right to Education Act RTE
- KV Admission Priorities 2020
- Age Limit for Admission in KV School
- Reservation in KV Admission 2020
- KV school Local transfer Procedure
- Admission for Class X and XII in Kendriya Vidyalaya
- Admission for Vacant seats in KV
- KV Admission under Right to Education Act RTE
- KV School Fee and Other Concessions
KVS Class-1 Online Admission Form and Admission procedure
The Notification for KV class 1 online admission form for Academic Year 2020-2021 is published by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. Usually the KVS Online Admission process will start from the first week of March. But this year it is delayed in issuing notification for KVS Online Admission 2020-21 due to Corona virus pandemic
KVS Online Admission 2020-21
Important information related to KVS Class 1 online admission Forms, Eligibility, Admission Lists, important Links is provided here
The following KVS Admission time table 2020-21 is announced by KVS in its Admission Notice issued on 15.7.2020 . Keep watching this site for more official Announcement which will be issued by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in respect of Admission related information
Release of Notification for KVS online admission form 2020-21 : See the Admission Notice
Date of Online Registration for Class 1 in KVs : from 10.00 AM on 20.7.2020
Last Date of Online Registration for admission in Class 1 in KVs : Close at 07.00 PM on 07.08.2020
Link for online Admission Form :
Link for KV Admission 2020 -21 Guidelines : Detailed admission Guidelines for admission in KVs
How to apply for Admission in KVs: How to fill online Admission Form 2020-21
Link to download mobile app for Admission :
KVS Admission List for Class 1 for the Academic Year 2020-21 : Will be displayed on respective KVs website
KVS Online Admission Form 2020-21
All the information about KVS online Admission form 2020-21 is given below
KVS online Admission for the session 2020-21 is used to start from the 1st week of March. But due to Lockdown imposed to contain Coronavirus pandemic, the issuing of notification was delayed. Today the kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan issued Admission Notification for the academic year 2020-219. As per this Notice, the Online Registration for Admission in Class I will start from 10.00 AM on 20.7.2020
KVS Admission List 2020-21
All tentative information about KVS Admission Lists for the session 2020-21
KVS admission lists (provisional) are generally released after 10 days of the end of registration process. If you have applied for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya, you will have to keep checking the official website of respective KVs from the 4th week of March 2020. If you want to find the official website of any of the KVs throughout the country, please visit : KV Schools in India
Guidelines for Admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas
The important information and Guidelines for Admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas are given below by topic wise . Click the required Topic of Admission Guidelines to get the information
Click the Topic to read in detail
- KV Admission Priorities 2020
- Age Limit for Admission in KV School
- Reservation in KV Admission 2020
- KV school Local transfer Procedure
- Admission for Class X and XII in Kendriya Vidyalaya
- Admission for Vacant seats in KV
- KV Admission under Right to Education Act RTE
- KVS Fee and Other Concessions
1.In supersession of all the guidelines governing admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas that have been issued in the past, the following guidelines are issued to regulate admissions in the Kendriya Vidyalayas with effect from the academic session 2020-21 & onwards. These guidelines are not applicable to Kendriya Vidyalayas located abroad.
Unless the context suggests otherwise, the definition of the following terms used in these guidelines would be as below: –
(i) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES: An employee who is regular (i.e. an employee working on that post sanctioned by the Government in
substantive capacity) and draws his emoluments from the Consolidated Fund of India.
(ii) TRANSFERABLE: An employee who has been transferred at least once in the preceding 7 years shall be deemed to be transferable.
(iii) TRANSFER: An employee would be treated as transferred only if he/she has been transferred by the competent authority from one place/urban agglomeration to another place/urban agglomeration which is at a distance of at least 20 kms. and minimum period of stay at a place should be six months.
(iv) AUTONOMOUS BODIES / PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS : Organizations which are fully financed by the government or where the
government share is more than 51 per cent would be deemed to be autonomous bodies/ public sector undertakings.
(v) SINGLE GIRL CHILD: Single Girl Child means the only child i.e. only girl child to the parents, with no other siblings.
Priorities in Admission in KVS
The following priorities shall be followed in granting admissions: –
1.Children of transferable and non-transferable Central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of Foreign National officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
2.Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning ofthe Government of India.
3.Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
4.Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
5.Children from any other category including the children of Foreign Nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no Children of Indian Nationals waitlisted for admission.
Note: Preference in Admission to wards will be based on the number of transfers of the parents in the last 7 years.
1.Children and grandchildren of employees of the Project Sector/Institutes of Higher Learning which are the sponsors of the Vidyalaya, Children of Project employees & Post Graduate students who are working on long term research projects, Children of regular Council of Wardens (COW) employees and children and grandchildren of retired employees.
Note: Preference in Admission will be given to children of serving employees, grand children of serving employees and children and
grandchildren of retired employees in that order.
2.Children of transferable and non-transferable Central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of Foreign National officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
3.Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
4.Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
5.Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
6.Children from any other category including the children of Foreign Nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The Children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no children of Indian Nationals waitlisted for admission.
Note: Preference in Admission to wards will be granted based on the number of transfers of the parents in the last 7 years.
Eligible Age for Admission in KV School
A Child must be 5 years old as on 31st March in the academic year in which admission is sought for Class I. (Child born on 1st April should also be considered.)
A. The minimum and maximum age limit for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas in various classes is given below:(Child born on 1st April should also be considered.)

Note: The maximum age limit can be relaxed by two years in case of Differently abled children by the Principal.
B. There is no age restriction for admission to Class XI provided the student is seeking admission in the year of passing Class X examination. Similarly, there will be no upper & lower age limit for admission to class XII provided there has been no break in the continuous study of the student after passing class XI [ Read More ]

Reservation in KV Admission 2020-21
A. SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBE CATEGORY : 15% seats for Scheduled Caste and 7.5% seats for Scheduled Tribes shall be
reserved in all fresh admissions in all Kendriya Vidyalayas.
B. DIFFERENTLY ABLED CATEGORY : 3% seats of total available seats for fresh admission will be horizontally reserved for Differently Abled-children as per the provisions of RTE Act, 2009 read in conjunction with Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
KV School Local Transfer Procedure
Many parents want to change the KV School near to their residence, the detail on KV School Local Transfer Procedure is given below
(i) Admission of children with KV TC will be automatic (over and above Class strength) if the parent has been transferred from one station to another. When the class strength reaches 55, the efforts should be initiated to open additional sections.
(ii) Defence personnel and Para-military Forces who shift their families to a station of their choice whenever they are transferred to some non-family areas or posted in Naxal affected areas, can admit their children on KV TC in a KV located at the station where they will keep their family.
(iii) In all other cases where transfer of the parent is not involved, the admission with KV TC would be done only with the prior approval of the Deputy Commissioner of the region concerned.
(iv) All cases of local transfer on KV TC will be done with the approval of DC concerned on merit.
(v) A student with KV TC may also be permitted in project KVs only up to class strength of 45 with the prior concurrence of Chairman, VMC. Beyond this no admission on KV TC would be done in project schools. However, Deputy Commissioner of the region is empowered to allow admission in the project/nearest KV in extremely deserving cases.
The students of State Boards/ICSE/NIOS be considered for admission in class XI if vacancies exist.
Admission for Class X and XII in Kendriya Vidyalaya
Admissions to class X and XII in Kendriya Vidyalaya, other than KV students, will be entertained subject to availability of vacancies. Such admissions to class X and XII will be considered by the Deputy Commissioner of the Region concerned, only if, the average strength in class X/XII is below 40. This will further be subject to the following conditions:
i. The child has been in the same course of studies i.e. in a CBSE-affiliated school.
ii. For Class X, the child must have obtained not less than 55% marks in aggregate in class IX.
iii. For admission to class XII, 55% marks in class XI examination is mandatory.
iv. The child should otherwise be eligible as per KVS admission guidelines.
v. The combinations of subjects opted by the student are available in Kendriya Vidyalayas.
A KV Student, who went abroad with his parents on their deputation to a foreign country, will be admitted to corresponding class on their return to India by the Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya, where admission is being sought (such admissions will be over and above the class strength)
Admission for vacant Seats in KV School
In case seats remain vacant after 30th June as the case may be, in the year of admission, Deputy Commissioner of the Region is empowered to allow admissions for vacant Seats in KV School up to the prescribed strength as per priorities in admission up to 31st July.
Documents required for KV School Admission 2020-21
• For Class I, certificate of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel. For other classes, the date of birth recorded in the transfer certificate issued by a school recognized by the State Education Department would be accepted. The original certificate of date of birth should be returned to the parent after verification. Admissions up to class-VIII may be granted without any school transfer certificate provided the child is otherwise eligible and his birth certificate has been issued by a Govt. body.
• For grandchildren of Hon’ble Member of Parliament and PSU employees a proof of relationship of either of the child’s parents with the Hon’ble Member of Parliament or PSU employees would be needed.
• For grandchildren of KVS employee a proof of relationship of either of the child’s parent with the KVS employee (serving or retired) would be required.
• A certificate that the child belongs to the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/EWS/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/BPL wherever applicable, issued by the Competent Authority in concerned State Government/Union Government. The certificate in respect of either of the parents may be accepted initially, for the purpose of admission, if this certificate is not available for the child. However, the certificate in respect of the child has to be submitted within a period of 03 months from the date of admission.
• A certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt. (sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child is handicapped, wherever applicable. In case, where the handicap of the child can be visually seen by the Principal, the child may be accepted as handicapped even without a certificate. However, the parent may be advised to obtain the relevant certificate from the Competent Authority and submit the same to the school.
• A service certificate showing the number of transfers during the preceding 7 years duly signed and stamped by the head of office bearing the name, designation and other relevant particulars in block letters.
• A certificate of retirement for uniformed Defence employees.
• Proof of Residence.
(i) Mere registration will not confer a right to admission.
(ii) Incomplete application forms shall normally be rejected. In case vacancies remain, Principal may allow completion of the form later at his/her discretion.
(iii) Admission secured on the basis of any wrong certificate shall be cancelled by the Principal forthwith and no appeal against such action of the Principal shall be entertained.
(iv) When a child is registered for admission in class I in a Kendriya Vidyalaya but, before declaration of the selection list, his parent is transferred to another station, the child should be deemed to have been registered for admission in the Kendriya Vidyalaya at the station of posting even if the last date of registration at that place has expired. The registration form in original is transferred to the Kendriya Vidyalaya of new place of posting and a photo copy of the same be retained in the school where the child was initially registered.
(v) In respect of Category I, II, III and IV admissions, the veracity of the Certificates submitted by the parents in proof of their service must be invariably verified by the Principal.
Selection Method of Admission in KV for Class I for 2020-2021
Out of the available seats of fresh admission 25% shall be reserved for Right To Education (Hereafter referred to as ‘RTE’), 15% shall be reserved for SC, 7.5% shall be reserved for ST and 27% seats shall be reserved for “OBC- Non Creamy Layer”. (Hereafter referred to as “OBC-NCL”)
After admission of students under RTE Act followed by Differently Abled (Hereafter referred to as ‘DA’), the children belonging to Cat-1 will be taken up. The students admitted under Cat-1 will also include SC/ST/OBC-NCL. Similarly, after admission of Cat-1, admission of Cat-2 will be taken up which will include SC/ST/OBC-NCL (up to Cat-3 in case of Project/IHL School)
The shortfall in the number of candidates on seats reserved for SC, ST and OBCNCL will be worked out after considering the number of SC/ST/OBC-NCL children admitted under RTE quota and Priority Cat-1 and Cat-2.
The reservation norms shall be applicable within approved class strength 40 students per section
RTE 25% : 10 seats
SC 15% : 06 seats
ST 7.5% : 03 seats
OBC 27% : 11 seats
(3% seats for the differently-abled applicant would be reserved horizontally)
The sequence of conduct of lottery by each Kendriya Vidyalaya for Admission 2020-21
After closing of process of registration, the sequence of conduct of lottery by each Kendriya Vidyalaya will be as under:
(a) RTE Lottery
(b) All DA Lotteries
(c) CAT I
(d) CAT II
(e) SC
(f) ST
(g) OBC
(i) CAT IV
(j) CAT V
(k) CAT VI (If applicable)
(l) Single Girl Child (Hereafter referred to as ‘SGC’)
The following sequence is to be adopted for the fresh admissions to Class-I in Kendriya Vidyalayas from the academic session 2020-21 and onwards.
(I) First Lot: 10 seats (out of 40 seats) in Class I per section are to be filled as per RTE Provisions (25% of seats) and these 10 seats will be filled by draw of lots from all applications of SC/ST/EWS/BPL/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) /Differently abled taken together who are the resident of Neighbourhood.
(II) Second Lot: Lottery for Differently Abled candidates of SC/ST/OBCNCL/Unreserved is to be conducted as per Priority Category.
(III) Third Lot: Remaining seats (after deducting RTE and Differently Abled applicants, if any) will be filled as per the existing Priority Category of Cat-1 and Cat-2 (Cat-1 to Cat-3 in case of Project/IHL KV) only up to the sanctioned strength or till all the registered candidates from Cat-1 and Cat-2 (Cat-1 to Cat-3 in case of Project/IHL KV) is filled.
(IV) Fourth Lot: – The total number of SC/ST/OBC-NCL will be counted from the admitted summary of RTE, DA, Cat-1 and Cat-2 (Cat-1 to Cat-3 in case of Project/IHL KV) admissions done till third phase. Thereafter, the shortfall in the seats reserved for SC/ST/OBC-NCL, if any, shall be covered by admitting SC/ST/OBC-NCL applicants as per the order of priorities of admission, irrespective of sanctioned strength.
(V) Fifth Lot: – After all these processes, if sanctioned strength is not filled and seats are vacant, applicants from Priority Cat-3 (Cat-4 in Project/IHL KV) onwards will be taken up for admission as per existing priority list for unreserved seats only.The unfilled leftover reserved seats of RTE/SC/ST/OBC (NCL) should be kept vacant.
(VI) Filling of leftover vacant reserved seats, in case adequate number of candidates registered online are not available: For filling unfilled quota of reserved seats for RTE/SC/ST/OBC, a separate advertisement is to be given, in the month of April, as per schedule of Admission by the concerned Kendriya Vidyalaya, for offline registration of the candidates belonging to that particular category only to fill the shortfall of reservation quota. The candidates thus registered offline may be admitted based on their Priority Category to fulfil the shortfall of reservation quota. Even after going through the above exercise, if these seats remain vacant, then the following procedure may be adopted:
(a) In no case the seats reserved as per RTE will be de-reserved.
(b) In case of vacant seats of SC/ST: SC/ST seat should be filled after interchanging the seat as per the availability of registered candidates from the available SC/ST social category priority list i.e. vacant SC seats may be filled with ST or vice versa, only if total SC and ST candidates admitted taken together fall short of total reserved seats of SC and ST taken together. This aggregation may be obtained by counting all the admitted SC and ST candidates of all the categories e.g. in a single section KV total SC and ST seats are 9 (6 SC + 3 ST). Now suppose 8 SC and 1 ST is already admitted and there are no more ST candidates available to admit, in this case these 2 seats of ST will not be given to SC as already 9 SC/ST candidates have been admitted. Clarification: OBC seats cannot be interchanged with SC/ST or RTE.
(c) In case of vacant seat of OBC:
(i) Within the sanctioned strength: After going through the process mentioned in para 4(vi) still reserve seats for OBC (NCL) are unfilled, it may be filled with remaining wait listed eligible candidates from Priority Categories within approved class strength.
(ii) Over and Above the Sanctioned Strength: No action is to be taken.
(d) The definition/eligibility criteria of Disadvantaged Group/Weaker Section/BPL/OBC (Non-creamy layer) will be as per the notification of the concerned State Governments. (The DC KVS RO Concerned may issue guidelines regarding BPL/EWS as per the latest notification of the concerned State Governments).
(e) Admission test will not be conducted for Class I.
Admission Guidelines for KV School for 2020-2021
There are some important definitions have been provided in the Admission Guidelines for KV School for the year 2020-2021
Note -1
1. Child belonging to disadvantaged group means a child belonging to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, the socially and educationally backward class or such other group having disadvantage owing to social, cultural, economic, geographical, linguistic, gender or such other factor as may be specified by the appropriate government, by notification (Section 2 (d) of RTE Act).
2. Child with special needs and suffering from disability will be determined as per the provision mentioned in RTE Act 2009 or as defined by the concerned State Govt.
Child belonging to weaker section means a child belonging to such a parent or guardian (declared by a Court or a Statute) whose annual income is lower than the minimum limit specified by the appropriate government, by notification (Section 2(e)). The income limit regarding economically weaker sections will be applicable as notified by the State Govt. concerned.
Definition of Neighbourhood and Proof of Residence for KV Admission under RTE
Since Kendriya Vidyalayas are located at places with varied density of population, they have been categorized as follows for determining the limits of neighbourhood:
1. Major cities and Urban area (All District Hqrs. & Metros) 5 kms. Radius
2. Places and areas other than included in 1 above. 8 kms Radius
1. Proof of residence shall have to be produced by all applicants.
2. A self-declaration in writing from the parent about distance may also be accepted to this effect, subject to verification.
5. Admissions for class I are being done through online mode & for other classes it is offline.
Composition of Committee for Offline Draw of lots in KV Admission 2020-21
Composition of Committee for Offline Draw of lots : Every Kendriya Vidyalaya will constitute a committee for the purpose of monitoring a system of Draw of Lots to be held in Class I or in any other class (for offline mode only) wherever such stage is reached when all candidates of a particular category or having same number of transfers cannot be accommodated against available number of seats.
The committee will comprise the following five (05) members: –
• An additional 6th member can be nominated by the Principal from the students of class IX to XII wherever these classes exist.
• This committee may be notified with the concurrence of Chairman, VMC, at least 5 days in advance of draw of lots and be displayed on School Notice Board.
Fee and other Concession in Kendriya Vidyalaya for 2020-21
No fee to be charged from the children admitted under the 25% quota prescribed under RTE Act 2009
Expenses on account of NCERT text book, note books, stationary, uniform and transport will be reimbursed on production of proper bills in respect of 25% of the children admitted under the RTE Provisions subject to the ceiling prescribed and availability of funds.
Once the children are admitted in Class I under RTE Act, they will continue to enjoy exemptions and concessions till class VIII either in the same KV or any other K.V. moving on transfer as per RTE Act.
Address proof of the parent should be furnished at the time of the registration.
The employees who have the facility of fee reimbursement in their departments cannot claim RTE concessions.
Admission in Class II to Class VIII in KV School for the year 2020-21
Admission test shall not be conducted for admission to Class II to VIII and the admission may be granted based on Priority Category system (1 to 5 or 6 as the case may be). If applications are more than the number of seats, lottery system will be followed in each category including single girl child quota (Class VI Onwards).
Guidelines for Class IX Admission in KV School
For admission to Class IX, an admission test shall be conducted and a merit list will be prepared for each category of priority separately. Admission shall be granted in the sequence of priority categories, in the order of merit.
(i) Admission test shall be conducted in the subjects: Hindi, English, Maths, Social Science and Science.
(ii) There will be only one paper of Admission test of 3 Hours duration & 100 marks comprising Hindi, English, Maths, Social Science and Science each of 20 marks.
(iii) Candidates must secure 33% marks in aggregate to qualify. Students belonging to SC/ST/Divyang category (PH) will be eligible for admission on securing 25% in aggregate.
Procedure for Admission in Class XI in KV School
KV Students:
Admission in different streams viz Science, Commerce, Humanities of Class XI in KVs for KV students will be based on aggregate marks scored in class X exams as under:
(i) Science Stream: A minimum of 60% Marks in aggregate of all subjects.
(ii) Commerce: A minimum of 55% Marks in aggregate of all subjects.
(iii) Humanities Stream: All students of KV if declared successful in class X exam
Note: If seats remain vacant in class XI even after admitting the children of KV/ neighboring KVs then the admissions to non – KV children may be granted on the same criteria, in the sequence of categories of priority.
However, there could be instances of lower enrolment in Class XI in some KVs, especially those located in hard stations and remote areas after applying the above criteria for admission. In such an eventuality, Principal of the KV concerned should send the proposal of lowering the eligibility criteria for various streams along with the details of registration, No. of eligible students, etc. to the
Deputy Commissioner of the region. The Deputy Commissioner may use her/his discretion in lowering the eligibility criteria to the extent as indicated below.
Concessions wherever applicable shall be incorporated while preparing the Merit List.
a. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal marks in aggregate of all subjects, the inter-se merit of such candidates may be determined as follows:
(i) Candidates obtaining higher marks in Maths will get precedence in admission.
(ii) If two or more candidates have got the same marks in Maths, then the candidates securing higher marks in Maths and Science taken together will get precedence over the others.
(iii) In case of a tie between two or more candidates obtaining same marks in Maths and science taken together, the student older in age as per the D.O.B will be given precedence over the other.
b. Principal may admit non-KV children to class XI only upto the permitted class strength (40). In case of KV Children, normally the class strength be restricted to 55. However, to accommodate the eligible KV students over 55, efforts should be initiated to open additional sections.
c. A student who was earlier not found eligible for admission to a particular stream may be allowed fresh admission to a particular stream in class XI in the next academic session, if he/she improves his/her performance within one year from the same Board.
Note: Informatics Practices as an elective subject is offered to all streams. Admission to this would be granted as per the combined merit list. Computer Science / BioTechnology, wherever available as an elective subject, is to be offered to students of Science Stream and admission would be granted as per combined merit list. Multimedia & Web- Designing Technology (wherever available) as elective subject may be offered to students of all the streams (Commerce, Humanities & Science) as per combined merit list.
(A) The following concession will be granted to students for admission who participated in Games & Sports meet/Scouting & Guiding/NCC/Adventure activities at various levels. The certificate needed for this purpose can be of any of the preceding years.
Note: In case of any issue related to the interpretation of Admission Guidelines, the decision of Commissioner KVS, will be final
Admission under Right to Education Act RTE
All the Government and Private Schools should provide 25% of seats to children belongs to SC/ST/EWS/ BPL/ OBC (Non Creamy Layer) category for Admission Under Right Education Act (RTE) , .
If a school has one section in Class I with 40 Students strength, 10 out of 40 Students to be filled under RTE Quota.
RTE Admission in KV School
Kendriya Vidyalaya also provides admission for Class I under RTE Act for the above mentioned category students who are residents of neighbourhood.
The KV Admission guidelines instructions and admission under RTE Act is given below
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is providing 25% admission for Class 1 10 seats (out of 40 seats) in Class I per section are to be filled as per RTE provisions(25% seats) and these seats will be filled by draw of Lots from all applications of SC/ST/EWS/BPL/OBC(Non Creamy Layer) who are the resident of Neighbourhood/ Differently able taken together.
Read More about Admission under RTE
KVS Fee and other Concessions 2020-21
The Details about KVS Fee and other Concessions 2020 is given below
No fee to be charged from the children admitted under the 25% quota prescribed under RTE Act 2009
Expenses on account of NCERT text book, note books, stationary, uniform and transport will be reimbursed on production of proper bills in respect of 25% of the children admitted under the RTE Provisions subject to the ceiling prescribed and availability of funds.
Once the children are admitted in Class I under RTE Act, they will continue to enjoy exemptions and concessions till class VIII either in the same KV or any other K.V. moving on transfer as per RTE Act. Address proof of the parent should be furnished at the time of the registration. The employees who have the facility of fee reimbursement in their departments cannot claim RTE concessions
Read More about : KVS Fees and Concessions 2020
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