CGHS beneficiaries are having doubts about where to go for COVID 19 rt PCR test and when it will be tested ?
CGHS has clarified that if the CGHS beneficiary is unwell or shows any symptoms of COVID-19 – i.e., Fever, Cough or , Breathlessness , etc may contact any Government Hospital/Centre / Medical Officer of CGHS/ Private empanelled hospital and if advised rt PCR test for COVID-19 as per the prevalent ICMR protocols , the same may be undertaken from any Government /approved Centre empanelled under CGHS.
The Order is reproduced below
Z 15025/12/2020/DIR/CGHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 10 th June 2020.
Sub: Clarification regarding rt PCR Test for COVID19
In this regard CGHS beneficiaries are advised to download Aarogya Setu’ App on their mobile Phones and self-assess themselves by uploading their health status on the mobile application.
If the CGHS beneficiary is unwell or shows any symptoms of COVID-19 – i.e., Fever, Cough or , Breathlessness , etc., – he/she may contact any Government Hospital/Centre / Medical Officer of CGHS/ Private empanelled hospital and if advised rt PCR test for COVID-19 as per the prevalent ICMR protocols , the same may be undertaken from any Government /approved Centre empanelled under CGHS.
See the CGHS Rate for rt PCR test for COVID-19
CGHS empanelled centres shall perform the rt PCR test for COVID-19 on Cashless basis
CGHS empanelled centres shall perform the test on Cashless basis in respect of pensioners, etc., and submit the bills to CGHS through UTI-ITSL. The reimbursement for the cost of expenditure on the test at approved rate shall be reimbursed by concerned Ministry / Department / Organization in respect of serving employees and beneficiaries of Autonomous Bodies.
(Dr. Sanjay Jain )
Director, CGHS
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