New Pension Calculator as per Revised Formulation for Pre-2016 Pensioners

New Pension Calculator as per Revised Formulation

A Calculator for Calculating Revised Pension based on Notional Pay from 4th Central Pay Commission is prepared for Central Government Pensioner’s reference. Through this Calculator, you can calculate the Pension from 2 options and can select whichever is beneficial.

The committee constituted for examining the Pension Options has recommended this method of Calculation for fixation of Pension. As the first Option is rejected as not feasible, the committee found that, instead of First option, Notional Pay can be arrived as on 1.1.2016. The Last Pay Drawn specified in the PPO can be taken as reference and Notional Pay in successive Pay commission and in 7th CPC Pay Matrix can be arrived, and then fixation of Pension can be done.

Already Pension Fixation was done as per Option –II and accordingly Pension arrears were also paid to Central Government pensioners.

Now you can calculate your Pension from these two Options and you can switch over to the Option whichever is beneficial for you. The Pension arrears will be paid accordingly with effect from 1.1.2016 if this new formulation is beneficial for you.

 Click to view : Pension Arrears Calculator as Per New Formulation 1

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