There is only one change in the revised 7th pay commission pay matrix Table issued for central Government employees
7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix
The Central Government Employees expected that there would be more change in 7th pay commission Pay Matrix, since the Empowered Committee may recommend for increasing Minimum pay and Fitment Factor .
Table of Contents
But there is no such increase is recommended by Expert Committee in 7th CPC Pay Matrix
See the 7th Pay Commission pay Matrix issued with gazette Notification on 25.7.2016 and revised pay Matrix on16th May 2017

But the Union Cabinet has not said anything about Empowered committee Report and approved the Pay scale recommended by 7th Pay commission without any increase or change. So there is no need for modifying the Pay Matrix recommended in 7th CPC report. Now the same 7th CPC Pay Matrix will be used to determine the Pay Scale of central government employees with a modification in Level 13 in respect of IOR used to derive the Basic Pay.
Revised 7th CPC Pay Matrix for Central Government Employees
Which pay matrix level has been changed?
Ministry of Finance has issued Revised 7th CPC Pay Matrix for Central Government Employees vide its OM dated 16th May 2017 with some modification in Level 13.
All other Levels except the Level 13 in the Pay Matrix in 7th CPC order are same .
Because Index of Rationalisation (IOR ) 2.67 was used to fix the Pay matrix Levels 10 to 13A . But the Level 13 is calculated with IOR 2.57. hence it has to be revised.
The IOR of Level-13 of Civil Pay Matrix has to be enhanced from 2.57 to 2.67. Accordingly, the Civil Pay Matrix as contained in Annexure-1 mentioned in para 6 of the aforesaid Resolution dated the 25th July, 2016 shall be revised. The revised Civil Pay Matrix is given below. Click the 7th Pay matrix for Expanded view and pay matrix table pdf
Revised 7th CPC Pay Matrix for Central Government Employees issued on 16th May 2017
7th pay commission pay matrix pdf
(Updated Pay Matrix – Click over this image to see the expanded view)

What were the factors incorporated into the new pay matrix?
Click to View the 8th Pay Commission Pay Matrix calculator
There are Four running Pay bands in Sixth pay Commission with 19 Grade Pay Scale.
Since the existing pay bands cover specific groups of employees such as PB-1 for Group `C’ employees, PB-2 for Group `B’ employees and PB-3 onwards for Group `A’ employees, any promotion from one pay band to another is akin to movement from one group to the other. These are significant jumps in the career hierarchy in the Government of India. Rationalisation has been done to ensure that the quantum of jump, in financial terms, between these pay bands is reasonable.
This has been achieved by applying ‘index of rationalisation’ from PB-2 onwards on the premise that with enhancement of levels from Pay Band 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and onwards, the role, responsibility and accountability increases at each step in the hierarchy. The proposed pay structure reflects the same principle. Hence, the existing entry pay at each level corresponding to successive grades pay in each pay band, from PB-2 onwards, has been enhanced by an ‘index of rationalisation’
7th pay commission pay matrix tamilnadu – View here
7th CPC Pay matrix Level 1 to 5
The Levels 1 to 5 in Pay Matrix which represents erstwhile Grade pay in PB I are arrived by using IOR 2.57
Pay Level 6 to 9
The pay matrix Levels to 9 which replaced the Grade pay in PB II are arrived by using Index of rationalisation 2.62. See the table below
Matrix Level 10 to 12
The first cell of Levels from 10 to 12 in Pay Matrix which represents erstwhile Grade pay in PB III are arrived by using IOR 2.67
Pay Matrix Level 13, 13A and Level 14
The Pay Matrix for Level 13, 13A and 14 represents erstwhile Grade Pay 8700,8900 and 10000 and Level 13 and 13A are arrived by using IOR 2.67 and 14 is calculated with IOR 2.72
7th pay matrix table Level 15 to 18 [HAG Scale]
The Levels in pay matrix 15 and 16 are done with IOR 2.72 and Levels 17 , 18 are fixed by using IOR 2.81 and 2.78 respectively
7th pay commission calculator : Click Here
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