Officiating Appointment Pay Fixation under FR 35 -Illustration 1
Annexure to No. 1/4/2017-Estt.(Pay-I) dated the 2 February, 2019 [ Read this DoPT OM ]
Illustration 1
An officer was drawing pay of Rs.78500 in Cell 6 of Level 11 before his appointment to officiate in Level 12 carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attaching to the post held by him before such appointment.
On the date of his officiating appointment, he may be granted one increment (Cell 7 in Level 1 1-Rs.80900) and thereafter, he is to be placed at a cell equal to the figure so arrived (Rs.80900) in the Level 12. Since no such cell equal to Rs. 80900 is available in Level 12, he shall be placed at the next higher cell in that Level [Cell 2 of Level 12- Rs.81200/-].
After such fixation since there is only an increase of amount of Rs.2700 ( Rs. 81200-78500) which is less than 12.5% of the basic pay Rs.78500) of the post held earlier by the officer before such officiating appointment and further limit of Rs.6700/-, there is no substantial increase in the pay so fixed. The restrictions under FR 35 will, therefore, not apply in this case and his pay will be fixed at Rs.81200/- (Cell 2 in Level 12).
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