Pay Fixation Example for Re Employed Officer Prior to 1.1.2016

Pay Fixation Example for Re Employed Officer Prior to 1.1.2016

Pay Fixation Example of a Colonel retired on 31 Jul 2015 and re-employed on 01 Aug 2015


Initial pay fixation in revised scales of a re-employed officer who has retired in pre-revised scales and was granted re- employment prior to 01 Jan 2016.

Example of a Colonel retired on 31 Jul 2015 and re-employed on 01 Aug 2015.

(a)        Col Retd on 31 Mar 2016.
Pay in Defence Pay Matrix
Rs 165400/-
  Rs 15500/-
Total Pay  
 Rs 180900/-
Basic Pension 
 Rs 90450/-
(b)    Fixation of Pay on Date of Re-Employment as on 01 Apr 2017.
Re-employed Pay
 Rs 180900/-
(c)     Revised Emoluments.
Total Re-Employed Pay
 Rs 180900/-
Less pension - ignorable limit (Including MSP) ((90450 - (15000 + 7750)
Rs 67700/- 
 Pay admissible
  Rs 113200/-

(g) As the pay has been fixed on 01 Jan 2016, the re-employed officer will be entitled for annual increment as per the existing provisions of Army Officers Pay Rules 2017. DA will be admissible as per rates announced from time to time

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