Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Submission of representations

Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964

Instructions regarding Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Submission of representations by Government servants issued by DoPT vide F.No.11013/4/2010 .Estt. (A) Dated the 19th April, 2010 is given below

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 11013/7/99-Estt. (A) dated 01.11.1999 on the above mentioned subject which indicates that the categories of representations from Government servants on service matters have been broadly identified as follows :-

(i) Representations/complaints regarding non-payment of salary/ allowances or other Issues.
(ii) Representations on other service matters.
(iii) Representations against the orders of the immediate official superior authority; and
(iv) Appeals and petitions under statutory rules and orders (such as Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 and the petition instructions. (Apart from the above, sometimes, Government servants also submit advance copy of their representations to the authorities higher than the appropriate/Competent Authority.)

2. Necessary guidelines to deal with such representations are contained in the aforesaid O.M. which are to be followed by the administrative authorities. However, it is observed that some officials resort to the practice of sending repeated representations on the same issue which involves repeated examination of the same issue and bogs down the official machinery to the detriment of consideration of more important and time-bound issues. The miner has been considered by this Department. It needs to be emphasised that Government servants should desist from making frequent and numerous representations on the same issue. The second representation on the same issue will be examined only if it contains any fresh points regarding new developments or facts having a bearing on the issue. It has been decided that when representations have already been considered and replied, further representations exceeding two on the same issue will henceforth be ignored. A Government servant may make a representation to an authority higher than the lowest competent authority only when he is able to establish that all the points or submissions made therein have not been fully and properly considered by his immediate official superior, or the Head of Office concerned or such other authority at the lowest level competent to deal with the matter. Government servants should desist from prematurely addressing the higher authorities.

3. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above guidelines for the notice of all concerned for information and compliance. “

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1 thought on “Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Submission of representations”


    this is a very good site for information required by the government servants themselves and get right direction.

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