Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service personnel – Constitution of Committee therefor – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 13/1/2009-CS.1I dated 15.07.2011 on the subject mentioned above vide which transfer policy (Rotational Transfer Policy) in respect of officials
belonging to Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service has been laid down.
2. As per the RTP, tenure of a CSSS official in a particular cadre unit/Ministry/ Department shall be 10 years. An officer is normally posted outside the cadre unit/Ministry/Department only upon promotion. In pursuance of this policy, a committee consisting of three adequately senior officers is constituted at the time of promotion/consideration of transfer of CSSS officials. Based on the recommendations of the said committee, requisite order for promotion/transfer of CSSS officials is issued with the approval of the competent authority.
3. In compliance of Supreme Court’s order dated 31.10.2013 in WP (Civil) No. 82/2011, it has been decided to constitute a committee for recommending the transfer of CSSS personnel in each grade and further to specify the authority competent to take a decision in this regard. The constitution of the grade-wise Committees in this regard will be as mentioned below. Nomination of the members in the committees, wherever required, will be made by the authority competent to approve the transfers in the respective grades. The committees will make recommendations and final decision will be taken by the authority mentioned under each of the Committee :-
i. Stenographer Grade ‘D’, PB-I, Rs.5200-20200/- + Rs.2400/- G.P, entry by Direct Recruitment
a) US(CSSS),
b) Another US,
c) SO(CS-II.C,Dealing with the subject)
Authority competent to approve the recommendations of the Committee:-
Deputy Secretary/Director CS-II
ii. Personal Assistant, PB-II, Rs.9300-34800/- + Rs.4600/- G.P
a) US(CSSS),
b) Another 2 USs,
Authority competent to approve the recommendations of the Committee:-
Deputy Secretary/Director CS-II
iii Private Secretary, PB-II, Rs.9300-34800/- + Rs.4800/- G.P, PB-III Rs.15600-39100/- + Rs.5400/- G.P (NFSG admissible to the regular Person completion of 4 years of approved service in the grade)
a) US(CSSS),
b) Another 2 USs
Authority competent to approve the recommendations of the Committee:-
Deputy Secretary/Director CS-II.
iv. Principal Private Secretary, PB-III, Rs.15600-39100/- + Rs.6600/- G.P
a) DS/Director (CS-II),
b) Another 2 DS/Directors,
Authority competent to approve the recommendations of the Committee:-
Joint Secretary, In-charge of CSSS.
v. Senior Principal Private Secretary, PB-III, Rs.15600-39100/- + Rs.7600/- G.P
a) Joint Secretary, in-charge of CSSS
b) Another Joint Secretary
c) Director (CS-II)
Authority competent to approve the recommendations of the Committee:-
vi. Principal Staff Officer, PB-IV,Rs.37400-67000 + Rs.8700/- G.P
a) Joint Secretary, in-charge of CSSS
b) Another Joint Secretary
c) Director (CS-II)
Authority competent to approve the recommendations of the
Secretary (P)
3. While making recommendations for posting /transfer in the grades of PAs upto PSO,due consideration would be given to the three options given by the official, as provided under OM No. 13/1/2009-CS II dated15.07.2011, and subject to seniority and availability of vacancies, effort would be made to accommodate their options to the extent possible. This criteria may not, however, be applicable in case of Stenographers Grade’ D’ who are recruited through direct recruitment.
4. Other terms and conditions of the a.M. No. 13/1/2009-CS.1I dated 15.07.2011 will remain unchanged.
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