Revision of package rates applicable under CGHS Delhi and NCR

Fresh empanelment of private Health Care Organizations (HCOs) and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS Delhi & NCR.
No: S.11045/36/2012-CGHS (HEC)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110108 dated the 1st October, 2014
Subject: Fresh empanelment of private Health Care Organizations (HCOs) and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS Delhi & NCR.
The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS had initiated action for fresh empanelment of private HCOs under CGHS Delhi & NCR and also for the revision of package rates to be paid to HCOs, by floating tender for the same. On the basis of the responses received rates for various procedures /treatments/investigations have been arrived at and have been uploaded on the website of CGHS: www.mohfw.nic /cghsnew/index.asp and can be downloaded from there. Similarly, a copy the agreement containing the terms and conditions of empanelment has also been uploaded on the above quoted website of CGHS.
2. The approved list of the hospitals for empanelment under CGHS Delhi & NCR as per the terms and conditions empanelment and MOA signed between CGHS and HCOs is enclosed here with.
3 The revised rates and terms & conditions as mentioned above will come into effect from 1 October, 2014. The empanelment shall be for a period of two years from date of issuance of this order. The HCOs already on the panel of CGHS which do not find their names in annexed list of empanelled HCOs are allowed to continue on CGHS panel till l5 October, 2014 at old CGHS rates to facilitate the patients who are already admitted / permitted, to continue with their treatment course.
4 This issues with the concurrence of Internal Finance Division in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide FTS. No. AS & FN 62678/2014 dated the 19th August, 2014.
5 A copy of this Office Memorandum along with a list of empanelled HCOs, rate list and agreement are placed on the internet at
[Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda Verma]
Director (CGHS)
DOWNLOAD : Fresh empanelment of private Health Care Organizations (HCOs) and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS Delhi & NCR
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