Grant of service element to Pre -30.08.2006 released Non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases
Circular No. 23
No. G-1/M/02/ICO’s/Vol/-XIV/2015
Date: 27.05.2015
SUB:- Grant of service element to Pre -30.08.2006 released Non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases.
REF: This office Circular No. 02 dated 17.11.2006 (enclosed as Annexure A)
Reference is invited towards this office circular cited above under which GOI, MOD letter No. 1(9)/2006-D(Pen-C) dated 30.08.2006 regarding grant of disability element in respect of Non- regular officers released in low medical category was circulated. As per para 2 of the ibid Govt. letter, the benefit of service element of disability pension in respect of non-regular officers in aggravation case was allowed only to those who retired on or after the date of issue of the letter i.e. 30.08.2006 and past cases were not to be re-opened.
The GOI, MOD has now modified para 2 quoted above by issue of letter No. 16(01)/2012-D(Pen/Pol) dated 23.03.2015 (enclosed as Annexure B), and as per provisions contained therein, in the case of aggravation too, service element of disability pension in respect of non- regular officers would be calculated after taking into account the full commissioned service rendered by them as calculated in the case of Regular Commissioned Officers. As such EC/SSC officers in aggravation cases would also be allowed the benefit of revision w.e.f. 30.08.2006 as allowed to attributable cases vide MoD letter dated 30.08.2006. The terminal gratuity already paid has to be refunded as per existing orders.
The Pension disbursing authority will obtain application on enclosed format (enclosed as Annexure C) from affected pensioners in terms of these orders for revision of their service element of disability pension and forward the same to respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities for notification of revised award.
This circular has been uploaded on PCDA(P) website for dissemination across the Defence pensioners and PDAs.
File No. G-1/M/02/DP/ICO’s/ Vol.- XIV
Date: 27.05.2015
(C.B. Yadav)
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