Revision of Income limit for dependency for the purpose of providing Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) coverage to family members of the CGHS covered employees in 7th CPC
Income Limit for Dependants for CGHS
No. S-11012/2/2016-CGHS-P
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(CGHS-P Section)
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 8th November, 2016
Sub: Revision of Income limit for dependency for the purpose of providing Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) coverage to family members of the CGHS covered employees subsequent to implementation of recommendation of the seventh Central pay commission-regarding
The undersigned is directed to say that subsequent to the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th CPC, the income limit for dependency for the purpose of extending CGHS coverage to “family” members of the CGHS covered Central Government employees was enhanced to Rs. 3500/-per month plus the amount of dearness relief on the basic pension of Rs. 3500/- as on the date of consideration.
2. With the implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central pay commission, the issue of revision of income limit for dependency for the purpose of providing CGHS coverage to family members of the CGHS covered Central Government employees and pensioner CGHS beneficiaries was under consideration keeping In view the amount of minimum pension/family pension fixed by the 7th Central pay commission.
3. On the basis of the recommendations of the 7th CPC, the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare under Para 5.2 of their OM No. 38/37/2016-P&PW (A)(i) dated 4/8/2016 , has fixed the amount of minimum pension a~ Rs. 9,000/- per month and under para 7.1 of this OM the amount of family pension has been fixed as 30% of the basic pay In revised pay structure and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs. 9,000/- per month and maximum of 30% of the highest pay in the Government. Vide Para 7.3 of the aforesaid O.M, It has been mentioned that there will be no other change in the provisions regulating family pension.
4. It has been decided, In consultation with the Department of Expenditure, to revise the income limit for the purpose of providing CGHS coverage to the family members of the CGHS covered Central Government employees to Rs. 9,000/- plus the amount of dearness relief on basic pension of Rs. 9,000/- as on the date of consideration.
5. As such, all the orders related to the CGHS Rules stand amended to the extent that the Income limit for Rs. 3500/- per month from all sources including pension/and family pension stands amended to an Income of Rs. 9000/- plus amount of the dearness relief on the basic pension of Rs. 9000/- as on the date of consideration. The amount of dearness relief, as indicated in the Income limit stands for the amount of dearness relief drawn by a pensioner/family pensioner on the date of consideration and not the amount of dearness relief due on the date of consideration.
6. The Income limit for dependency of “Rs.9000/- plus amount of the dearness relief on the basic pension of Rs. 9000/- as on the date of consideration”, shall also be applicable for the cases covered under CS(MA) Rules, 1944 for the purpose of examining eligibility of family members of the Central Government employee for medical facilities under the Rules.
7. The order shall be effective from the date of Issue of Instructions of this O.M.
8. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure vide their I.D. No.204/E-V/2016 dated 19/10/2016.
(Sunil Kumar Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Click here to view : CGHS Order
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