Reminder to Cadre Controlling Authorities for Cadre Review

Reminder to Cadre Controlling Authorities for Cadre Review


M. S. Subramanya Rao
Director (CRD)
D. O. NO. 1. 11019/16/2016-CRD

Dated the 20th December, 2016

Dear Sir/Madam

As you are aware, Department of Personnel’ & Training is the nodal agency of the Government of India for personnel management policies. One of the major functions envisaged to the Department of Personnel & Training concerns the periodical review of cadre structure of Group ‘A’ Central Services. Although the cadre management and cadre review are primarily the concern of individual cadre controlling authorities (CCA), the responsibility for laying down standards in the matter and for coordination rests with the Department of Personnel & Training in accordance with its role as the nodal agency for formulation and evaluation of personnel policies in Government of India.

2. The standard setting task was taken up by the Deptt. of Personnel & Training from time-to time. Latest guidelines on cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services were issued vide O.M. No. 1-11011/1/2009-CRD dated 14T’ December 2010. As pet these guidelines, the ideal periodicity of cadre review is 5 years. Status of cadre review of all the Central Group ‘A’ Services, as available in this Department as per data provided by the CCAs is at Annexure-I. It is observed that most of cadres are not adhering to the periodicity of 5 years for cadre review. In some of the cases, the cadre review is pending for even more than 20 years. Status of Cadre review proposals processed in DOPT as on 30.112016 is at Annexure-Il,

3. In view of the above, all the Cadre Controlling Authorities Of Central Group ‘A’ Services are requested as under:

(i) Where the cadre review is due (please refer to Annexure-I), complete cadre review proposals of such services may be forwarded to this Department by the Cadre Controlling Authorities latest by 31st March. 2017.

(ii) For the cadre review proposals, which are under consideration in DOPT and is pending for lack of certain information/clarification(s)/revision, the concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities may please provide necessary information/clarifications)/revised proposals latest by 31/01/2017

(iii) The cadres where the recommendations Of CRC and approval of Minister Of State (PP) and Finance Minister has been obtained may move the Note for the Cabinet by latest by 15/1/2017.

(iv) The cadres, where the cadre review is not feasible due to court cases or any Other reasons, may forward the Status report alongwith the reasons with the approval Of competent authority.

4. Cadre review of Other services (Group ‘B’/’C’/erstwhile ‘D’ services) may also be undertaken immediately in consultation with Deptt. of Expenditure and as per guidelines contained in DoPTs 0M No. 2/1/1987 dated 23/11/1987 (copy enclosed) and a status report may be provided to the Deptt. Of Personnel & Training in this regard latest by 31st march 2017.

5. I shall be grateful, if you kindly 100k into the matter personally and get the action requested above expedited.

Yours sincerely,

( M. S. Subramanya Rao )
All the Cadre Controlling Authorities
Of Central Group ‘A’ Services

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