Ministry of Labour & Employment issued order for Variable DA 9.5 Points increase for workers in Mines,Construction
Variable DA 9.5 Points increase
File No. 1 / 36(1)/ 2019-LS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner(C)
New Delhi
Dated:23/9 /2019
[In exercise of the powers conferred by Central Government vide Notification No. S.O. 186(E) dated 19th January, 2017 of the Ministry of Labour and Employment the undersigned hereby revise the rates of Variable Dearness Allowance for the employees employed in Agriculture w.e.f. 01. 10.2019 on the basis of the average Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers reaching 310.83 from 301.33 as on 30.06.2019 (Base 2001- 100) and thereby resulting in an increase of 9.5 points.
The revised Variable Dearness Allowance shall be payable from 01.10.2019:-

The V.D.A for workers in other sectors like Mines, Stone Mines, Constructions and workers in Good Sheds, Cargo, Railway Parcel Service etc also have been revised with effect from 1.10.2016
The revised V.D.A rates and Minimum wages including revised Variable DA for all sectors is given below
See Variable DA for Workers in Various Sectors
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