Issue of Caste Certificate Format in Scheduled Languages

Issue of Caste Certificate Format in Scheduled Languages to all candidates belonging to OBC community

No.F.No.43011/2/2022-Estt. (Res-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
ESTT.(Estt. Reservation-I)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated 13 April, 2023


The Secretaries of all States & Union Territories

Subject:- Issue of Caste Certificate Format in Scheduled Languages – regarding.


I am directed to say that this Department has issued a letter No. 36036/2/2013-Estt.(Res.), dated 30.05.2014, prescribing a format for OBC caste certificate. All the candidates belonging to OBC community are required to submit the OBC certificate in the aforesaid format.

  1. The Committee on the Welfare of Other Backward Classes in its report on “Measures undertaken to Secure Representation of OBCs in employment and their welfare in AAI” has observed that AAI has been accepting OBC certificates in scheduled languages while recruiting candidates belonging to OBC community. The Committee has recommended that DoPT may circulate guidelines to be followed by all Ministries/ Departments and PSUs thereunder regarding acceptance of OBC certificates in scheduled languages. They have also recommended that the digital copy of the OBC certificates may also be made online to verify the authenticity of such certificates by the recruiting organizations.
  2. In view of the recommendations of the Committee, it is informed that there may be no objection if, in addition to the official language, the State/ UT Governments issue a caste/community certificate for SC/ST/OBC in any of the scheduled languages in the prescribed format. Further, it is requested that the State/UT Governments may make efforts to make available a digital copy of the such certificates online to verify their authenticity by the recruiting organizations.
  3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (P).

Yours faithfully,

(Sign of Authority)
Abhay Kumar
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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