Guidelines for Transfer of Single and Lactating Mothers in Sensitive Posts-RBE No.101/2023

Railway Board issued Guidelines regarding Transfer of Single and Lactating Mothers in Sensitive Posts

No Exemption from Transfer of Single and Lactating Mothers in Sensitive Posts

Attention is drawn to the latest instructions issued by the Railway Board in their letter no. E(NG)I/2022/TR/19 dated 23.08.2022 regarding the transfer policy for single and lactating mothers holding sensitive positions. As per the guidelines, single mothers who hold sensitive posts cannot be exempted from the scheme of periodical transfer. However, in order to accommodate their needs, they may be shifted to a different seat in the same location or adjoining area.

This provision also applies to lactating mothers who hold sensitive posts. During the period of breastfeeding or up to one year from the child’s birth, whichever is less, lactating mothers may be adjusted by shifting them laterally as per the periodical transfer policy. This step has been taken to ensure that the needs and well-being of lactating mothers are taken into consideration while adhering to the transfer policy.

It is important to note that the transfer of single and lactating mothers should be carried out in a manner that minimizes disruption to their personal and professional lives. The objective is to strike a balance between the requirements of periodical transfer and the welfare of these mothers.

By implementing these guidelines, the authorities aim to create a supportive and conducive work environment for single and lactating mothers. This will not only help them maintain a healthy work-life balance but also ensure that they can continue to contribute effectively in their sensitive roles.

Railway Board Order : Exemption of Single mother employees from the purview of periodical transfer

RBE No.101/2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I-2022/TR/19

New Delhi, dated 25.08.2023

The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per standard list)

Sub: Exemption of Single mother employees from the purview of periodical transfer to other stations-Clarifications reg.

As the Railway administration are aware, detailed consolidated instructions regarding periodical transfer of non-gazzeted Railway employees exists vide RBE No. 48/2012 and further instructions issued from time to time.

AIRF vide agenda Item No. 28/2012 has demanded that lactating mothers should be exempted from the purview of periodical transfers.

Attention in this connection is invited to instructions contained in Board’s letter no. E(NG)I/2022/TR/19 dated 23.08.2022 which provides that single mother, if she holds a sensitive post cannot be exempted from the scheme of periodical transfer. However she may be shifted as far as possible to a different seat in the same place / adjoining area to meet the requirements of periodical transfer. These provisions would henceforth be applicable to lactating mothers holding sensitive posts also in such a way that lactating mothers when transferred as per periodical transfer policy may be adjusted by shifting laterally during the period of breast feeding or 1 year from child birth whichever is less.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Sanjay Kumar)
Dy. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Ph. No.43658/011 -23303658
E-mail Id- sanjay.kumar6[at]gov. in

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