Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 : Retirement on Completion of 30 Years Qualifying Service

Retirement on Completion of 30 Years Qualifying Service

Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972

In the realm of government service, there exist a multitude of rules and regulations that govern the employment, benefits, and retirement of civil servants. One such rule, which holds significant importance in the lives of government employees, is Rule 48 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. This rule delineates the provisions and criteria for retirement on the completion of 30 years’ qualifying service. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the intricacies of Rule 48, shedding light on its various aspects and implications.

Understanding the Significance of Rule 48

Rule 48 is a pivotal aspect of the CCS (Pension) Rules, and it deals with the retirement of government servants who have dedicated three decades of their lives in service to the nation. It provides two distinct avenues for retirement:

Voluntary Retirement

Under this provision, a government servant who has completed thirty years’ qualifying service has the option to retire from service voluntarily. This choice allows individuals to transition into a new phase of life, whether it be for personal reasons or to explore new opportunities beyond government service.

Compulsory Retirement in the Public Interest

The appointing authority, in certain situations and in the public interest, may require a government servant to retire. This provision serves as a mechanism to maintain the efficiency and integrity of the public administration. However, it is important to note that this decision must align with the greater welfare of the public and the organization.

The Entitlement: Retiring Pension

For government servants who have completed thirty years’ qualifying service and choose to retire voluntarily or are required to retire in the public interest, Rule 48 ensures that they are entitled to a retiring pension. This pension is a critical financial support system that helps individuals maintain their livelihood after retirement.

The Notice Requirement for VRS

To facilitate a smooth transition, Rule 48 also outlines a notice requirement. It stipulates that:

A government servant wishing to retire voluntarily must provide a written notice to the appointing authority at least three months before the intended retirement date.

In cases of compulsory retirement in the public interest, the appointing authority is also mandated to give a written notice to the concerned government servant at least three months before the retirement date or provide three months’ pay and allowances in lieu of such notice.

Ensuring Clarity and Transparency

Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules emphasizes the importance of clarity and transparency in retirement procedures. By providing a clear timeframe for notices and outlining the circumstances under which compulsory retirement is permissible, it aims to create a fair and just system for both government servants and the administration.


In conclusion, Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules serves as a cornerstone in the lives of government employees who have dedicated three decades of service to their country. It offers them the choice of voluntary retirement or, in certain cases, provides a mechanism for compulsory retirement in the public interest. The retiring pension, a crucial component of this rule, ensures financial security for retired individuals.

By understanding the provisions and intricacies of Rule 48, government servants can plan their retirement effectively, and the government can ensure the continued efficiency of its workforce. This article has provided a detailed insight into Rule 48, and we hope it serves as a valuable resource for those seeking clarity on this vital aspect of government service.

Rule Position

Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 : Retirement on Completion of 30 Years Qualifying Service

Retirement on completion of 30 years’ qualifying service

Rule 48 of CCS (pension) Rules 1972

(1) At any time after a Government servant has completed thirty years’ qualifying service,

(a) he may retire from service, or

(b) he may be required by the appointing authority to retire in the public interest, and in the case of such retirement the Government servant shall be entitled to a retiring pension: completed thirty years’ qualifying service -Provided that –

(a) a Government servant shall give a notice in writing to the appointing authority at least three months before the date on which he wishes to retire; and

(b) the appointing authority may also give a notice in writing to a Government servant at least three months before the date on which he is required to retire in the public interest or three months’ pay and allowances in lieu of such notice.

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