CPAO’s direction to avoid delay in First Pension Credit into the account of pensioner/family pensioner
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Avoid delay in First Pension Credit-CPAO
NEW DELHI-110066
CPAO/IT&TECH/Bank Performance/37 Vol-III(A)/2023-24/130
Office Memorandum
Subject: Delay in First Credit of Pension into the account of pensioner/family pensioner regarding.
Kind attention is invited to this office OM No.40 dated 12.07.2021 and OM No. 71 dated 23.05.2023 wherein all the Head of the CPPCs of authorized banks were directed to ensure that the credit of the first pension into the accounts of pensioner/family pensioner is carried out immediately on the basis of e-PPO and e-SSA received from CPAO without awaiting for the physical copy of PPO.
It has been observed that banks are not following instructions issued by the CPAO vide above said OMs. The first credit of pension into the account of pensioner/family pension is still delayed. This delay in crediting the first pension to the pensioner’s account is causing undue hardship to pensioners.
Streamlining the process to expedite the payment of first credit
With a view to streamlining the process to expedite the payment of first credit, all the Heads of the CPPCs are hereby directed again to ensure that the credit of the first pension is carried out on the basis of e-PPO and e-SSA as and when received from CPAO and diligently follow CPAOS’s instructions given in this regard. The physical PPO booklet and related documents will continue to be sent to CPPCs until further orders for verification of the pensioner’s details and if any differences are found between the e-PPO and manual PPO, the same should be intimated to CPAO within a month for necessary corrective action.
Further, it may also be ensured that the e-scroll for all payments of pension made is submitted on the same day to CPAO while intimating RBI.
This issue with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pension).
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)
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