Family Planning Allowance Status in Allowance Committee Report

Family Planning Allowance Status in Allowance Committee Report

The Demands of National Council (Staff Side), JCM and Ministry of Defence on Family Planning Allowance Status and the recommendation of the Allowance Committee is provided below..

3.5.2 Family Planning Allowance (Para 8.17.50)

Existing Provisions: Family Planning Allowance (FPA) is granted to Central Government employees as an encouragement to adhere to small family norms. The existing rates are as under:

Family Planning Allowance Status

Reasons mentioned by 7th CPC for recommending abolition: The level of awareness regarding appropriate family size has gone up among government servants. Hence, a separate allowance aimed at population control is not required now.


I. National Council (Staff Side), JCM: This allowance should continue for existing beneficiaries as it may result in a drop in emoluments for them.

II. M/o Defence: This allowance may continue to be granted to past beneficiaries.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:

The Committee notes that the demand is restricted to continuing this allowance for existing beneficiaries. However, accepting this will create an arbitrary distinction between two set of employees. This may not be legally tenable. This may also lead to similar demands for continuing the other allowances recommended for abolition to existing beneficiaries.

Therefore, the Committee recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish Family Planning Allowance may be accepted

See the Full Report 

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