Meeting of National Council JCM with CGHS, Ministry of Health

Meeting of National Council JCM with CGHS, Ministry of Health

Meeting of National Council JCM with CGHS, Ministry of Health
Meeting of National Council JCM with CGHS, Ministry of Health

Sources from Ministry of Health and family welfare told that a Meeting of National Council JCM with CGHS will be held to discuss the CGHS and Health & Welfare related issues with this Ministry. As per the decision taken in 47th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 25th September 2014 under the Chairman ship of Secretary (Pension, AR & PG) the proposed Meeting will be convened.

Staff Side JCM is requested to forward their agenda item to discuss in the Meeting. All the staff side members are asked to submit their points to its Leader, Staff side before sending the final agenda to CGHS, Ministry of Health. After receiving the agenda items from Staff Side National Council JCM, the schedule of the proposed Meeting Date will be finalized by the Ministry.

Central government Employees those who wish to bring the issues regarding CGHS to the notice of all concerned, may forward their views to their Leaders of Federations. It will help them to finalize the core issues to be discussed on top priority in the Agenda to be submitted.

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4 thoughts on “Meeting of National Council JCM with CGHS, Ministry of Health”

  1. right said and also i want to say that our dear PM sir please post all clerks to their home town for their good health and good fitness please

  2. sure very good comments i want to draw attention towards very difficult papaer work and unnecessary documents wanted by CDA for passing of medical bills especially if the station has no CGHS facility and if treatment or test may be taken from private hospital they require lot of documents like CGHS refer . emergency certificate etc an employee who is suffering needs treatment first then documents if office gives sanction for treatment then why passing authority not admit the claim of private hospital at govt rate please relax the norms and if office gives permission then its enough for audit

  3. 03-11-2014.


    Subject:- Request for Reforming the Medical Treatment procedures for CGHS Beneficiary`s (both Serving and Retired employees) in Recognised CGHS Central Government and Private Hospitals and improving the Health facilities in CGHS Wellness centres and Central Government Departments/Offices.

    Respected Sir,

    I wish to bring to your kind attention the difficulties being faced by the Central Governments Servants (Both Serving and Retired Employees/ Pensioners) for taking Medical treatment from CGHS Recognized/ empanelled private Hospitals of their choice.

    (1).They cannot directly approach the CGHS Recognized/ empanelled private Hospitals of their choice without being first asked to go to a Central Government Hospital and than after obtaining the necessary permission from their respective offices can approach the CGHS recognized Hospital of their choice. In this way the Patient is made to run from one end to another before he can obtain the necessary Medical Treatment for his Disease.

    And by the time, the Government servant / Pensioner is successful in obtaining the required permission from his office to visit any CGHS Recognized/ empanelled private Hospitals of his choice, he is already so exhausted to the core, that he does not have that extra stamina left to fight the dreaded disease from which he may be suffering at the time.

    Hence, a Cashless Medical Treatment for both Serving Central Government Servants and Retired Government Servants may be provided to them, so that they can first visit any CGHS recognized Hospital of their choice and than in the process he can intimate his office or the CGHS Wellness Centre about the details of his Medical Treatment for taking future benefits under CGHS.

    (2). Further, I wish to draw your kind attention to the availability of MBBS doctors, who are posted in all the CGHS Wellness Centres. The doctors are very few in numbers for imparting medical treatment to the patients who visit these centres. Without diagnosing the disease, they refer the patients to the Central Government Hospitals. In this way they have been increasing the rush in these Government Hospitals. However, with the increasing rush the patients hardly get any proper Medical Treatment. Even the CMO`s sitting in the CGHS Wellness centres do not see any patient or rather refuse to see the patients. During the whole day they sit ideal watching the TV channels. In this way they are doing disservice to the CGHS patients / beneficiaries who visit the CGHS dispensaries.

    Similarly, the Specialist Medical Doctors who visit the CGHS Wellness centres once a week give their appointments to patients after Two months.i.e the patients get a chance to meet the Specialist Medical Doctors in a minimum period of nearly more than Two months. By this time the patients suffer immensely. This situation needs to be improved by posting Specialist Doctors in CGHS Wellness centres in the field of Medicine, Heart Diseases, Orthopedic, Dental and Skin in all the Central Government Health Scheme Wellness Centres on daily basis in Delhi / New Delhi Centres and elsewhere in India on all India basis.

    (3).The quality of Medicines being given to the CGHS beneficiaries are of a bad quality and the brand of Medicine are being locally manufactured. These medicines do not give beneficial results to the patients. I hope you will look into the matter and arrange medicines of good quality to the CGHS beneficiaries.

    (4). THE HEALTH OF EMPLOYEES WORKING IN CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS is fast Deteriorating / Failing over the years and the life style of these Employees is becoming sedentary in nature. Due to lack of daily exercise , these people are developing many diseases such as High Blood pressure, Diabetiies, increase in weight of the body and many other work related diseases. Due to this, the health bills are enormously increasing day by day for them. Now-a-days the Central Government hospitals are over burdened with sick patients. For these government servants, the use of Stationary cycling /Fitness Centres may be installed in all Central Government departments and CGHS Wellness Centres on priority basis. Thes Fitness Centres may be duly promoted by the Central Government and would greatly benefit all the Working and Retired Government employees. This project should be adopted in all the Central Government Departments and all the CGHS Wellness Centres urgently.

    (a). Health Benefits of Cycling

    IT IS ‘very surprising that cycling causes the level of control of blood pressure. The more you sweat the more light the feeling of your body will be felt. And one of the most important things is that you risk even people diagnosed with cancer and diabetes.

    (b). Health Benefits of Cycling for a Government Servant
    • Increased Fitness – Through cycling, you will be able to increase your heart and lung fitness, as well as your strength and stamina.
    • Weight Loss – The general population of the India in big cities is becoming increasingly obese. Cycling is a great way to help lose weight. You will burn fat as you cycle, which will help you look and feel better.
    • Stress Reduction – Exercise in general has been shown to decrease anxiety and stress levels, and bicycling is a fun way to exercise. Keeping yourself out of traffic jams will also help in reducing stress.
    • Heart Benefits – Studies have shown that regular exercise, such as cycling, lowers your risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.
    • Lowered Risk of Other Health Problems – In addition to heart disease, regular exercise can also help you to avoid other health problems such as non-insulin dependent diabetes, osteo arthritis and osteoporosis. Exercise also relieves symptoms of depression and increases your mental health.
    • Increased Life Expectancy – The end result of having better health through cycling is that you will live a longer and happier life!
    I hope the Hon`ble Prime Minister would personally look into the matter and take positive steps in introducing the Stationary Cycles anf Fitness Centres concept for gaining Health benefits for all the Central Government Employees in their departments.

    In view of the details mentioned above, I would be grateful, if you could personally look into the matter and take urgent necessary positive steps in the matter so that all the Central Government Servants and Retired Government Employees can benefit from your kind action in the matter. .

    Thanking you.

    Yours faithfully,

    598, SECTOR-9,
    E.Mail:- [email protected]

  4. All central government employees have to right to avail medical helth facilities cash less through CGHS as such as pensioners get and just like all MPs and MLs as well as councillors get such like these facilities

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