7th CPC has used unjust factors to arrive at quantum of allowances in new pay and abolished 52 allowances.
b. No allowances should be abolished and it should be left to the decision of respective departments for the continuance of allowances as per nature of duties & job requirements.
c. Factor of 3.15 (proposed for new minimum pay) should be used for allowances that are paid in fixed amount. Factor of 1.6 (half of proposed factor for new minimum pay) may please be used for allowances that are indexed partially with DA.
d. Factor of 1.4 @ 40% fixation benefit in pay be used for allowances that are indexed fully with DA.
e. Factor of 1 be used for allowances that are paid in percentage of Basic Pay.

READ : Understanding the important Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission
5.2. Breakdown Allowance(para 8.10.8 &8.10.80): Breakdown allowance should be continued in Railways and it may please be paid equal to over time calculation on hours worked for restoration.
5.3. NH Allowance(para 8.6.11): National Holiday Allowance should be paid atleast equal to one day wages. It should be paid for working on holidays including Sundays if the employees are not given with compensatory rest.
5.4. PCO Allowance(para 8.17.101):Incentive system followed in Indian Railways is unique for its system & within Railway Budget hence 7th CPC’s recommendations on PCO Allowance may please be ignored and the same be continued to be paid at the existing rates of 15% & 7.5% of new basic pay respectively.PCO Allowance may please be extended to CMT, Stores, Design& Drawing and other left out areas.
5.5. Teaching Allowance(para 8.14.8 & 8.14.9): To attract more talented teaching faculties, teaching allowance should be paid @ 30% as proposed by Railway Board some time back. Eligibility for maximum period of five years recommended by 7th CPC should be ignored since many of Railway training institutes are having eight year tenure for teaching faculties.
5.6. Risk & Hardship Allowance(para 8.10.64): Risk & hardship allowance should be extended to sheds& depots and open line staff &Technical Supervisors as per medium & low risk factors of Risk & hardship Matrix recommended by 7th CPC.
5.7. Fixed Medical Allowance (para 8.17.52): Considering the high cost of medical treatment in old age FMA should be raised from the present level of Rs.500 to Rs.2000 and it should be paid to all the retired employees without any restriction.[ READ : 7th CPC Recommendation on Enhancing Fixed Medical Allowance]
5.8. Internet Allowance, Mobile Phone Allowance, News Paper Allowance (para 8.17.61): Almost all Indian Railways employees are using their individual mobile and / or internet to perform the official duty. All the non-supervisory employees may please be granted with Rs.500 and Technical Supervisors may please be granted Rs.1000 as communication allowance. Or All supervisors may please be provided with CUG connections with free talk time of Rs.1000 per month.
5.9. Night Duty Allowance (para 8.17.77): Formulation of weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of duty performed between 22.00 and 6.00 hours may please be changed to 20 minutes for every hour of duty performed between 18.00 and 6.00 hours in view of hazards of work during Night Shift.[Read : Night Duty Allowance to be continued : 7th Pay Commission ]
Source : IRTSA
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How much NDA for one hours night duty .indian Railway Booking clerk. Basic 27600 GP 2000
Govt. should act like a parent to the govt. employees. As parents look after their children and give first priority to the family and for every individual family comes first. Every parent left no stone unturned in the upbringing of their childrens. Likewise the Government of India should concentrate on giving the best wages to its employees as compared to the corporate sector employees and this will definitely l stem out the corruption that has plagued the whole system
What about the Grade pay issue of LDC/UDC sir ??