Meeting to discuss the grievances related to 7th Central Pay Commission

Meeting to discuss the grievances related to 7th Central Pay Commission


All Standing Committee Members
of the National Council (Staff Side) JCM


I am directed to enclosed herewith a letter No. 30-4/2016-IC dated 21.10.2016 from Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell) for your kind information please

And your kind attention is invited to this office mail dated 11.10.2016 now it has been decided to hold Internal Meeting of the Standing Committee members of the National Council (Staff Side) JCM at 11.30 AM in place of 3.30 PM on 24th October 2016 in JCM Office.

You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting on the date and time mentioned above.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

(Shiv Gopal Mishra)

Department of Expenditure
(Implementation Cell)

Room No.215, Hotel Ashok,
Chankyapuri, New Delhi,
Dated: 21.10.2016

Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra,
National Council (Staff Side), JCM
13C, Feroz Shah Road,
New Delhi

Subject: Second Meeting of Group of Senior Officers to discuss the grievances arising out of recommendations related to 7th Central Pay Commission – regarding.

I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of even number dated 17th October 2016 and to inform that the meeting under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Expenditure), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, which was scheduled for 24th October 02.00 PM will now be held at 04.00 PM on the same i.e. 24th October 2016 in Room No.72, North Block, New Delhi to discuss the grievances arising out of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission and their implementation.

2. All other contents of the letter remain the same.

3. You are also requested to send the names of the members of Standing Committee of National Conucl (Staff Side), JCM who will be attending the aforesaid meeting by todays evening.

Yours sincerely,
(Abhay N.Sahay)
Under Secretary (IC)

Source: Confederation

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3 thoughts on “Meeting to discuss the grievances related to 7th Central Pay Commission”


    Unfortunately, this time the Government of India have not extended the benefit of recommendation of VII CPC to autonomous bodies under their control as usual, the reasons for which are not clearly known. In every CPC, it is the usual practice that the Ministry of Finance is issuing orders extending this benefit to all autonomous bodies under their control. This time the Government failed to do so even after lapse of three months that the benefit is extended to Central Government employees and the pensioners. We do hope that the JCM will also take up this issue with the Government as all autonomous body employees are eagerly waiting for receiving their benefit.


    Respected Leaders,

    In any meeting You discuss how to reach Group of Ministers. Group of Secretaries cant solve your Issues. It is Proved, after submission of 7 CPC report. 2 Nos COS constituted & we have seen the result.
    Try to meet group of Min. & PM Modiji & first demand to eliminate FM jaitely from Finance Ministry.
    Jaitley has nothing Idea on Finance He is a great Lawyer.
    Always he is trying not to give any benefit even our Legitimate dues also.

    When he will be sacked from Finance Ministry we will use him as Our Advocate against Govt in the Court of Law & we will must get our Dues.

    F M Jaitely is passing the time only, simply You are not understanding the politics of that Great Lawyer.

    When are You expecting the next meeting ? What will be the agenda in next meeting.

    You just ask the Group of Ministers those who have assured you on 30 Aug.2016.
    Only 3 Questions.
    not more .
    1- What will be the Minimum Salary.
    2-What will be the Multiplying Factor
    3- What will be the Rate of Allowance

    & when it will be implemented.

    You are just going to attend the meeting & they are assuring You .

    What is the meaning of this Farce?


    1- What will be the Minimum Salary. -Not Less than 20000/-
    2-What will be the Multiplying Factor- Min 2.86
    3- What will be the Rate of Allowance – As Ditto as in 6 th CPC

    With Regards


  3. Respected Sir,

    It is my earnest request that the difference of Pay Scales between the CSS Cadre Stenographers and All India Subordinate Cadre Ministerial Staff Stenographers is to be removed. One Post = One Pay Scale. One Job = One Pay Scales. No difference Sir,

    The difference of Pay Scales between CSS Cadre Stenographers and Promotional Avenues are varying,which is creating lot of difference of Pay between these two cadres. One Cadre = One Designation. No CSS and NO Subordinate Cadre. Only ONE DESIGNATION = ONE CADRE.

    note :- the difference of pay scales and promotional avenues between css cadre personnel and subordinate cadre are coming from 01/01/1986, i.e., from the date of implementation of iv central pay commission.
    Respected Leader Sir,

    Hence it is requested to put an agenda item or a charter of demand in the forth coming Anamolies Committee meeting.

    With regards

    Yours faithfully,

    (V. Rama Murthy)

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