Confederation Expressed its serious reservation about AIRF Press Release

Reservation about AIRF Press Release

Confederation has expressed its serious reservation about the AIRF Press Release [ Click to Read the AIRF Press Statement ] and disown the statement made by Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra  in the capacity of Secretary , Staff Side , National Council JCM. Confederation General Secretary Shri. M.Krishnan has written his views about this issue in his blog.

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers


Com Shiv Gopal Misra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council JCM & General Secretary, All India Railway Men’s Federation has issued a Press statement “welcoming and thanking ” the decision of the Central Government regarding implementation of the revised allowances to Central Government employees .

The statement has created an impression among some section of employees that all the organisations of National Council JCM (including organisations affiliated to Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers) are of the same opinion and all the leaders of the JCM Staff Side has cheated the employees.

To put the records straight, Confederation National Secretariat like to make it clear that our opinion was not sought by Secretary, Staff Side, National Council JCM, before issuing such a statement. We have already given a call to the employees to hold nationwide protest demonstrations against betrayal of the NDA Government. Confederation alone has conducted a series of agitational programmes against the negative attitude of the NDA Govt. towards Employees and Pensioners, including 15th December 2016 Parliament March, 16th March 2017 one day strike , 23rd May 2017 Mass dharna in front of Finance Ministers office , 22nd June 2017 Human Chain etc.

Confederation National Secretariat strongly disagree with certain views and comments made by Secretary, Staff Side, and organisations affiliated to Confederation who have representation in JCM totally disown the statement. We strongly condemn the unilateral attitude of Secretary, Staff Side, National Council JCM. The statement issued by the three Standing Committee Members of Staff Side National Council JCM who are representing Confederation in the JCM Standing Committee is furnished below.[Click to  See the Statement ]

M. Krishnan
Secretary General

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2 thoughts on “Confederation Expressed its serious reservation about AIRF Press Release”

  1. Ajay Rakhecha​

    HRA-less. TA -less, all other allowance Slash or lower minimum basic poor, multiplying factor very bad. AGI rate same. All thease after a long wait of 10_12 year still those who r thanking govt. Are truly father of employees.
    I request govt to give them Bharat Ratna award.
    Clearly com Mishra & comp. R dealing with govt with their own interest, nothing else.
    When Wibhishan r existing with us why blaming Modi n Jaitely.
    Thx. Com Mishra.

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