Important Notice to CGHS Beneficiaries : CGHS Own Diagnostic Laboratories are now functional at All 4 Zones at Delhi

NOTICE regarding CGHS Own Diagnostic Laboratories

This is for information of the esteemed CGHS serving and pensioner beneficiaries that CGHS own Diagnostic Laboratories are now functional at the following Wellness Centres and Polyclinics, in each zone of CGHS Delhi:

A. Central Zone, Delhi:

  1. Dr Zakir Hussain Road, Pandara Park
  2. Chitragupta Road
  3. Minto Road

B. South Zone, Delhi:

  1. Gurugram Sector-5
  2. Kalkaji-1
  3. Moti Bagh
  4. M B Road
  5. Laxmi Bai Nagar
  6. Lajpat Nagar
  7. Maternity and Gynae Hospital, Sector-5, R.K.Puram

C. North Zone, Delhi:

  1. Pusa Road
  2. Janakpuri
  3. Shakurbasti

D. East Zone, Delhi:

  1. Kingsway Camp
  2. Laxmi Nagar
  3. Timarpur
  4. Shahdara
  5. Vivek Vihar
  6. Subzi Mandi

The tests that are presently available at each of these CGHS diagnostic labs are annexed for information. These laboratory services are free both for serving as well as pensioner beneficiaries. It is the endeavor of CGHS to make the reports available online to the beneficiaries through beneficiary login. In case, a beneficiary desires hard copies, the same could be obtained from the Lab/Wellness Centre concerned, as at present.

In addition to these CGHS Diagnostic Lab facilities, the sample collection facilities of Hind Labs (under Ministry of Health and FW) is available at the CGHS Wellness Centres, as given below. The test results from the collection facilities are also available the same day for most of the tests.

HIND Lab sample collection Centres

HIND Lab Collection Centres - Gservants News
Important Notice to CGHS Beneficiaries : CGHS Own Diagnostic Laboratories are now functional at All 4 Zones at Delhi

All the beneficiaries are requested to avail the free diagnostic facilities from CGHS Diagnostic Laboratories and HIND Lab sample collection centres located at the .

Lab Tests Available at CGHS Own Diagnostic Laboratories and HIND Lab sample collection Centres

No.Name of Wellness Centre with    in-house Lab facilityLab tests available 
Central Zone
1Dr Zakir Hussain Road, Pandara  Park Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar (Fasting), Blood Sugar (PP), Blood  Sugar (Random), Blood Sugar (GTT), Blood Sugar (GCT), Kidney  Function Tests (Blood Urea, Serum Creatinine, Serum Uric  Acid), Lipid Profile (Serum Cholestrol, Serum Triglycerides,  Serum HDL Cholestrol, Serum LDL, Serum VLDL), Liver  Function Tests (Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Indirect  Bilirubin, SGOT (AST), SGPT (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase, Total  Protein,Serum Albumin, Serum Globulin, A:G Ratio), Thyroid  Function Tests (Free T 3, Free T 4, TSH), Serum Calcium,  Serum Phosphorus, CBC (Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR, RBC, BT, CT, MCV,  PCV, MCH, MCHC, Platelet Count, RDW, Peripheral Smear for  anemia, Peripheral Smear Malarial parasite, AEC, RA, ASO,  CRP, Rapid Test Typhoid, MP Serology, Blood Widal, HIV 1 &  2, Urine Albumin, Urine Sugar, Urine Microscopy, Stool  routine, Stool Occult Blood, FNAC of S/C nodules,Thyroid  nodules and Breast Lumps   
2Chitragupta Road Hemogram with ESR, Bleeding Time, Clotting Time, Blood  Grouping, Urine Routine Microscopy, Urine Bile Salt, Urine  Bile pigment, Urine Pregnancy Test, Stool Routine, Stool for  ova cyst, Stool for Occuilt Blood 
3Minto RoadHemogram, Blood Glucose 
South Zone
1Gurugram Sector-5 (D-73) Blood Glucose, Liver Function Test (LFT), Kidney Function Test  (KFT), Lipid profile , Calcium, Phosphorous, HbA1c, HBsAg,  Malaria Antigen, Widal, Typhidot, CRP, RA Factor,Hemogram,  Blood group, Peripheral Smear, Reticulocyte count, Urine  routine, microscopy, pregnancy test, semen examination 
2Kalkaji-1Hemogram, Blood Glucose, Serum cholesterol, Serum urea,  Urine routine and microscopy 
3Moti BaghHemogram, Blood Glucose, Serum cholesterol, Serum urea,  Urine routine and microscopy 
4M B RoadHemogram, Blood Glucose, Serum cholesterol, Serum urea,  Urine routine and microscopy
5Laxmi Bai NagarBlood Glucose – Blood Sugar (Fasting), Blood Sugar (PP), Blood  Sugar (Random), Blood Sugar (GTT), Blood Sugar (GCT);  Kidney Function Tests (Blood Urea, Serum Creatinine, Serum  Uric Acid); Liver Function Tests (Total Bilirubin, Direct  Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, SGOT (AST), SGPT (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein, Serum Albumin, Serum Globulin,  A:G Ratio; Lipid Profile (Serum Cholestrol, Serum  Triglycerides, Serum HDL Cholestrol, Serum LDL, Serum VLDL);  Haemogram(CBC) & Red cell indices:(Haemoglobin, TLC, DLC,  RBC, MCV, PCV, MCH, MCHC, Platelet Count, RDW),ESR,  Bleeding Time(BT), Clotting Time(CT), Absolute Eosinophil  Count(AEC), Peripheral Smear for anemia, Peripheral Smear  for Malarial parasite; Serology: Rapid Test of Typhoid (IgG &  IgM), Widal test, MP Serology test, HbsAg test, CRP test, RA  factor test, Blood Group (ABO & Rh); Urine Examination :  Urine Routine –(pH, Specific gravity, Albumin, Sugar), Urine  Microscopy, Urine – Bile salts & Bile Pigments, Urine  Urobilinogen, Urine Ketone bodies, Urine Pregnancy Test
6Lajpat NagarHemogram, Blood Glucose, Serum cholesterol, Serum urea,  Urine routine and microscopy,   
7Maternity and Gynae Hospital,  Sector-5, R.K.Puram Blood Glucose, Liver Function Test (LFT), Kidney Function Test  (KFT), Lipid profile, Calcium, Phosphorous, HbA1c, HBsAg,   Anti-HCV, VDRL, Malaria Antigen, Widal, Typhidot, CRP, RA  Factor,Hemogram, Blood group, Peripheral Smear,  Reticulocyte count, Urine routine, microscopy, pregnancy  test, semen examination 
North Zone
1Pusa RoadCLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY – Blood Glucose Fasting, Blood Glucose PP,  Blood Glucose Random Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c),  Estimated average glucose (eAG), Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) –  Fasting, Post Prandial (PP), (After 50gm Of Glucose), Glucose  Tolerance Test (GTT P)- Fasting, 1 Hrs after 75 gm glucose, 2 Hrs  after 75 gm glucose, 3 Hrs after 75 gm glucose, Lipid Profile – Serum  Cholesterol, Serum Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol,  VLDL, HDL/ LDL Ratio, Kidney Function Test – Blood Urea / BUN,  Serum Creatinine, Serum Uric Acid, BUN/ Creatine ratio, eGFR, Liver  Function Test – Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, SGOT/AST,  SGPT/ALT, De Ritis Ratio, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein,  Albumin, Globulin, Albumin: Globulin ratio, Serum Calcium,  Phosphorus, Urine routine Examination – Sugar, Albumin, Urine  Microscopic Examination – Pus Cells, Epithelial Cells, RBC, Casts,  Crystals, BIL, Ketone, SG, Blood, PH, Urobilinogen, NITITES,  LEUCOCYTES , Creatinine, Urinary Albumin: Creatinine Ratio HAEMOGRAM (CBC) – Haemoglobin (Hb), TLC, Polymorphs,  Lymphocyte, Eosinophil, Monocyte, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC,  Platelet Count, RDW CV, RDW SD, MPV, PCT, PDW-SD, PDW-CV, P LCR, P-LCC, AEC, RETIC. COUNT, E.S.R. (Westergren), Bleeding time  (BT), Clothing time (CT), Blood Group Test – Blood Group ABO, RH  Typing, PBS – Peripheral Smear, Malarial Parasite, Examination of  Stool – OVA, CYSTS, Occult Blood, SEROLOGY- Widal Test –  Salmonella typhi o antigen (TO), Salmonella typhi H antigen (TH),  Salmonella PARATYPHI A, H ANTIGEN (AH), Salmonella PARATYPHI  BH ANTIGEN (BH), RA Factor, CRP, ASO, RAPID CARD TEST –  THPHIDOT, MP Card Test, VDRL, HBsAg, Anti HCV, Urine Pregnancy  Test (UPT).  
2Janakpuri Diabetes Profile (Glucose (Fasting), Glucose (PP), GTT  (Glucose Tolerence Test), GCT (Glucose Challenge Test) For  screening gestational diabetes, Antenatal GTT For diagnosing  gestational diabetes, Urinary Microalbumin, HbA1C  (Glycosylated Hemoglobin), AeG (Avg Estimated Glucose),  Kidney Profile (urea, BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid), Liver Profile  (Total Billirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, AST  (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein,  Albumin, Globulin, A/G Ratio), Lipid Profile, Seum Calcium,  Serum Inorganic Phosphate, Hb, TLC, DLC, Polymorphs,  Lymphocytes, Monocyte, Basophils, RBC, PCV/Hematocrit,  MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet Count, ESR, AEC,ANC, ALC)
3ShakurbastiHemogram, Blood Glucose, Liver Function Test (LFT), Kidney  Function Test (KFT), Lipid profile, Widal, Typhidot, Blood  grouping, HBsAG, HCV, RA factor, CRP, ASO, Urine Routine  and Microscopy, Stool routine examination 
East Zone
1Kingsway Camp CBC, ESR, Peripheral Smear for Anemia, PS for Malaria, BT, CT,  AEC, CRT, Reticulocyte Count, Blood Sugar F/PP, GTT, GCT,  Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Creatinine, Urea,  Uric Acid, Bilirubin total and direct, SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline  Phosphatase, Total Protein, Serum albumin, globulin, A:G  ratio, HbA1c, HIV 1 and 2, HBsAg, HCV, CRP, RA, Widal, ASO,  Syphilis, Typhi Dot, Malaria Antigen, Blood grouping, Urine  albumin, Sugar, Ketones, Blood, Bile Salts, Bile Pigments,  Specific Gravity, Microscopic Examination, pH, Urine  Pregnancy Test, Stool Routine and Microscopy
2Laxmi NagarCBC, ESR, Peripheral Smear for Anemia, PS for Malaria, BT, CT,  AEC, CRT, Reticulocyte Count, Blood Sugar F/PP, GTT, GCT,  Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Creatinine, Urea,  Uric Acid, Bilirubin total and direct, SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline  Phosphatase, Total Protein, Serum albumin, globulin, A:G  ratio, HbA1c, HIV 1 and 2, HBsAg, HCV, CRP, RA, Widal, ASO,  Syphilis, Typhi Dot, Malaria Antigen, Blood grouping, Urine  albumin, Sugar, Ketones, Blood, Bile Salts, Bile Pigments,  Specific Gravity, Microscopic Examination, pH, Urine  Pregnancy Test, Stool Routine and Microscopy
3TimarpurCBC, ESR, Peripheral Smear for Anemia, PS for Malaria, BT, CT,  AEC, CRT, Reticulocyte Count, Blood Sugar F/PP, GTT, GCT,  Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Creatinine, Urea,  Uric Acid, Bilirubin total and direct, SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline  Phosphatase, Total Protein, Serum albumin, globulin, A:G  ratio, HbA1c, HIV 1 and 2, HBsAg, HCV, CRP, RA, Widal, ASO,  Syphilis, Typhi Dot, Malaria Antigen, Blood grouping, Urine  albumin, Sugar, Ketones, Blood, Bile Salts, Bile Pigments,  Specific Gravity, Microscopic Examination, pH, Urine  Pregnancy Test, Stool Routine and Microscopy
4ShahdaraHb, TLC, DLC, ESR, Platelet Count, Blood Sugar F/PP,  Cholesterol, Typhi Dot, Malaria Antigen, Blood Grouping,  Urine Routine, Stool Routine, Urine Pregnancy Test
5Vivek ViharHb, TLC, DLC, ESR, Platelet Count, Blood Sugar F/PP,  Cholesterol, Typhi Dot, Malaria Antigen, Blood Grouping,  Urine Routine, Stool Routine, Urine Pregnancy Test
6Subzi MandiHb, TLC, DLC, ESR, Platelet Count, Blood Sugar F/PP,  Cholesterol, Typhi Dot, Malaria Antigen, Blood Grouping,  Urine Routine, Stool Routine, Urine Pregnancy Test

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