8th CPC and 18 Months DA Arrears : NCJCM urges PM to consider these 14 Demands of Central Govt Employees

NCJCM Staff Side has made a written request to consider 14 Demands including setting up of 8th CPC, Payment of 18 Months DA Arrears and Commutation Restoration

14 Demands including setting up 8th CPC, Payment of 18 Months DA Arrears and Commutation Restoration

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Ph.: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001
E-Mail: [email protected]

June 18, 2024

Try this calculator to Know your expected 8th CPC Basic Pay


Shri. Jitendra Singh ji,
Honourable Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievance and Pension
Government of India.
North Block, New Delhi – 110001.

Respected Sir,

I am writing to offer my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the Staff Side of the National Council (JCM), Government of India which represents the more than 30 Lakh Central Government Employees and also the Pensioners on the occasion when your honour has taken over as the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievance and Pension. You are the Minister for 2 major Departments i.e. the DOP&T and the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare which the Central Government and the Pensioners look forward with regard to their service matters while in service and also after retirement. Therefore the expectations of the employees and the pensioners are a lot from your honour.

The undersigned has also written a letter to the Hon’ble Prime Minister who is also the Minister In-charge of Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pension in this regard. I am enclosing a copy of our letter dated 18/6/2чaddressed to the Hon’ble Prime Minster in which we have listed out certain important issues which needs the favourable consideration of the Government of India.

I am confident that you will use your good office to settle the issues which we have represented to the Hon’ble Prime Minister.

A delegation of Staff Side of the National Council JCM would also like to meet you in person in the near future according to your convenience.

Awaiting for your favourable response.

With kinds regards
Yours Sincerely
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

NCJCM Staff Side’s Letter Requests The Prime Minister to Consider Setting up 8th CPC, 18 Months DA Arrears, Restoration of Commutation

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Ph.: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 E-Mail: [email protected]
June 18, 2024

Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 110 011.

Respected Pradhan Mantri Ji,

I on behalf of the Staff Side of the National Council (JCM), Government of India which represents the more than 30 Lakh Central Government Employees and also the Pensioners convey our warmest congratulations to your honour on your assuming the office of the Prime Minister of one of the world’s largest country for a record consecutive 3rd term. We have the strong conviction that with your vast experience in governance and administration our country will continue to navigate through all the challenges successfully bring about all round achievements in national development and inclusive growth to all the sections of the society.

As Secretary Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) it is my duty to draw your kind attention to some of the major issues which are agitating the minds of the Central Government Employees and pensioners. Your honour will appreciate that only a motivated workforce can give the maximum output, therefore I take this opportunity to request your honour to personally intervene and settle these issues which will go a long way in maintaining harmonious Industrial Relations between the Government Employees and the Government as Employer which ultimately will benefit the people of the country.

Functioning of JCM

1.Government of India during the year 1966 constituted the Scheme of Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration for the Central Government Employees with the aim of maintaining harmonious Industrial Relations in the Government Organisations and Department. The scheme will be celebrating its Diamond Jubilee during the year 2026. The JCM scheme has contributed a lot in improving Productivity, Quality, resolving jointly the issues and problems of the employees and pensioners and to maintain Industrial harmony.

However for the past 2 decades the JCM Scheme has been completely diluted and the meetings of the National Council JCM and Departmental Council JCM’s are not taking place as per its constitution. Even though at the national level few meetings are taking place but the Departmental Council level despite the directions from Cabinet Secretary and DOP&T meetings are not taking place, thereby the employees losing confidence in the JCM Scheme and are forced to approach Court of Law to settle their service related matters. The JCM Scheme needs to be strengthened at all levels by ensuring regular meetings and solving the problems, so that the purpose for which the JCM Scheme was established will be fulfilled.

Policy for fill up vacant Posts

2.More than 12 Lakh Civilian Posts are lying vacant in the Central Government Departments including Railways, Defence, Postal, Income Tax, CAG, etc. Due to this there is an acute shortage of manpower resulting in work pressure on the existing employees and unwanted outsourcing of permanent and perennial jobs. We request you to kindly take a policy decision to fill up all the vacant posts, so that the unemployed youth of our country especially those who belongs to the socially and economically downtrodden communities are benefited.

Withdraw the NPS

3.To re-consider and withdraw the National Pension System implemented for the Central Government Employees from 01/01/2004 and to restore the Defined and Guaranteed Pension Scheme under CCS(Pension) Rules 1972 (now 2021).

Withdraw Corporatization of OFB

4. To re-consider and withdraw the decision taken and implemented by the Government by Corporatizing the 222 years old Indian Ordnance Factories and to restore its status as a Government Organisation as Ordnance Factory Board. Pending the same a notification may please be issued to retain the status of the Defence Civilian Employees of Ordnance Factories as Central Government Employees till their Retirement from Service at par with the Prasar Bharati Employees.

Constitute the 8th Central Pay Commission

5.To constitute the 8th Central Pay Commission since the next wage revision / pension revision is due from 01/01/2026.

Release the 18 months DA Arrears

6.To release the 18 months DA Arrears frozen during the COVID-19 pandemic to the Central Government Employees and Pensioners.

Notional Increment to Retirees

7. To extend the benefit of various Supreme Court Judgements on Service Matters to all the similarly placed employees. Despite multiplicity of Court Cases and Judgements the Government is not issuing orders for grant of notional increment for Terminal Benefits to those employees who have retired / retiring on the last working day of June / December.

8. To grant 100% Compassionate Appointment to the wards/ dependants of the deceased employees by removing the 5% Ceiling limit.

9. Grant of Compassionate Appointment to the wards / dependants of the Central Government who died during the Covid-19 pandemic period while performing their duty due to the infection.

Restoration of the Commuted portion of the Pension

10. Restoration of the Commuted portion of the Pension to the pensioners after 12 years instead of the present 15 years.

11.Implementation of the recommendation of Parliamentary Standing Committee to enhance the Pension of the Pensioners by 5% once in 5 years from the date of retirement.

12. Revision of the Insurance Coverage in the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme by ensuring atleast Rs.15 Lakhs to the Group-‘C’ Employees.

13. To establish CGHS wellness Centre in all the districts as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee of the Ministry of Health and also to strengthen the CGHS by empanelling more Multispecialty Hospitals and also revising the rates regularly.

14. Restoration of the Railway concession given to the Senior Citizens which was suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sir, these are all only a few issues but very important issues which we have projected before your honour. The Central Government Employees and Pensioners are expecting a lot from your honour during your 3rd Tenure as Prime Minister of India. We are confident that you will personally look into all the above issues and direct the concerned authorities to settle these issues.

Sir, in the past the Hon’ble Prime Minister used to meet the Staff Side of the National Council JCM once in a while to understand the problems of the Government Employees who are ultimately the backbone and the driving force of the Government. A delegation of the Staff Side of the National Council of JCM would like to meet you in person in the near future.

Awaiting for a favourable response from your honour.

With kinds regards

Yours Sincerely
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

View the Staff Side’s Letter pdf

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1 thought on “8th CPC and 18 Months DA Arrears : NCJCM urges PM to consider these 14 Demands of Central Govt Employees”

  1. From army person…house
    We suffered lot sir.pls help us..
    Pls fix pay as much as higher…we r sacrifice family also..

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