7th CPC Pay Matrix – There is wide Gap between PB3 and PB4 Grades

 There is wide Gap in 7th CPC Pay Matrix between erstwhile PB3 and PB4 Grades

Shri. V.Loganathan has been writing constructive feedbacks on many articles published in gservants.com. The following article clearly shows that in 7th CPC Pay Matrix,there is a wide gap between PB-3 and PB-4 Grades. Since the higher Grades in PB-3 are holding Administrative responsibilities, it must be addressed in a way that they should not feel aggrieved. The article written by V.Loganathan is given below..

“……As per Pay Matrix approved in the 7th Pay Commission, there is wide gap between erstwhile PB3 & PB4 Pay Bands. The following statement will speak for itself the wide gap between these two Pay Band Posts entry Level Pay from 1-1-2016:

Pay Band 15600-39100: – (PB3) Group-A

i)G.P. 5400/- Entry Pay .. 56,100
ii)G.P.6600/- .. .. 67,700
iii)G.P.7600 .. .. 78,800

Pay Band 37,400-67,000 – (PB4)

i)     G.P.8700/- Entry Pay .. 1,18,500
ii)    G.P.8900/- .. .. 1,31,000
iii)  G.P.10000/- .. .. 1,44,200

If we look at the entry pay of PB3 under (iii) category entry Pay is fixed at 78,800/- and the entry pay of PB under (i) is at Rs.1,18,000/-

If a person in erstwhile PB3 under (iii) & PB4 under (i), the difference in Entry Pay will be about Rs.40,000/- This anomaly should be rectified from 1-1-2006 by Matrix formula and the entry pay of Pay Band 3 (Group-A Services) should be revised accordingly from 1-1-2016.

Length of Service to be taken into account in Pay Matrix 

The picture of fair salary would be incomplete without taking length of service in a category/post contribution of his similarly placed fellow colleagues (generalists in Administration other than Scientists) at next level of hierarchy into account and their fitment table should also be increased proportionately to a fair level .

After all it’s a team management/work disparity, skills, individual and collective performance and adequate internal communication and collective bargaining on salary issues. When many are paid very lesser pay & perks, they have a tendency to work with heart-burning.

Anomaly Committee should Increase the Entry Pay Proportionately 

The Anomaly Committee on 7th Pay Panel must consider this suggestion to revise the gap proportionately / uniformly to all categories of posts in (Group-A Services) PB3 & PB4 Pay Bands from 1-1-2006 by applying Matrix formula and revised Entry Pay to these categories of posts should be approved from 1-1-2016 proportionately.

The following statement as per Fitment Table reveal the wide gap between PB3 & PB4 from 1-1-2006 itself as approved in VI Pay Commission

Rs. 15,200 (S-19) ————– Rs.34,880 + increased GP
Rs. 15,000 (S-20) ————– Rs.35,550 + increased GP
Rs. 15,100 (S-24) ————– Rs.47,230 + increased GP
Rs. 15,100 (S-25) ————– Rs.48,390 + increased GP
Rs. 15,200 (S-28) ————– Rs.48,530 + increased GP

If you look at the above statement for a pre-revised basic pay in the pay range of Rs.15,000/- there is wide difference in the revised pay fitment. The gap should be reduced drastically from 1-1-2006 based on length of service one put in a category etc.

In many cases. Senior Officers put in more than 30 years of Service getting less emoluments/Pension when compared to many junior Officers after implementation of Sixth Pay Panel Report from 1-1-2006. The suggestion to Govt. is that length of Service in a category coupled with duties & responsibilities should be given its due weight-age to relieve heart-burning among Senior Officers of Non-IAS cadre and similarly placed Officers in other Ministries. In many cases the increase in emoluments ranging about more than 100% to 300% in PB 3 & PB 4 posts. Due weightage should be given to PB 3 category (Group-A) with effect from 1-1-2006 by applying Matrix formula..”

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6 thoughts on “7th CPC Pay Matrix – There is wide Gap between PB3 and PB4 Grades”

  1. I got regular promotion in the month of May’2015 in the Pay Band III with GP 5400. Prior to that, I got 2nd MACP in December’2010 with Grade Pay 5400 . As I received 2nd MACP, there was no financial benefit at the time of my regular promotion though my Pay Band changed from II to III. With my Basic Pay 23870 and Grade Pay 5400 on 1st January’2016, my revised pay as per 7th CPC will be 75400 with multiplication factor 2.57 . Had I not got the promotion, with pay band II, with same Basic Pay , GP and multiplication factor 2.57, it is coming to 75600. I am loosing rupees 200 every month with higher pay band and higher responsibility . Is it justified ?

  2. Pay body proposed fitment factor of 2.67 for PB3 based on their level of responsibilities and 2.72 for JS and above in PB4. But, the Gazette made it 2.57 for all uniformly. Bureaucracy is based on the principle of hierarchy and differentiated roles and responsibilities. To equate all right from Kalasi to Cabinet Secretary is bad. Secondly, increment is said to be 3%, but in reality it will be less than 3% for many because of the pay matrix cells are irrationally devised. For example, if pre-increment pay is 37000, post increment pay would be 37000+1010 (3% of 37000)=38110. But, the cell after 37000 shows 38100. What will happen to the 10 rupees? Why should the pay be rounded off to the lower 100 and the next 100? Or keep it open as the 6th CPC did? 38100 should have actually been 38200, instead of 38100? Why should thousands of employees suffer for somebody’s weak maths? The lowering of fitment factor from 2.67 to 2.57 for PB3 and the principle of immediate next cell after increment will lead to a loss of 4000 to 5000 per month for PB3 officers. I wish Mr. Lokanathan commented on this. Rectifying the anomaly from 2006 is a big deal, but rectifying from Jan 2016 is possible. Pl comment of this Mr. Lokanathan!

  3. V. Loganathan

    The Govt. of India ought to have issued simultaneous Orders to Pensioners (Senior Citizen) also on 7th Pay Commission along-with serving Employees. It’s regrettable that in spite of several representations to Govt. D.R. Orders etc. are not issued belatedly to Pensioners though the Govt. have agreed in principle to issue simultaneous combined Orders. A copy of such general orders may be marked to Ministries concerned for follow up Action. This will save Govt. stationery, time, man-power etc.

  4. There is also an injustice full wide gap in PB-1 &PB-2 in accordance to PB-3 & PB-4. This anomaly should also be rectified with applying same multiple factor for all PB’s.

  5. vaidyanathan

    All said and done, employees have been cheated.
    But what about pensioners above the age of 80, who
    have been getting 20% of pay as addition to the basic pay.
    What has become of this ? Will such an employee get the
    20% on the revised pay ?
    An early clarification is requested.


  6. In ministry of electronics , S & T staff, There is a post Scientific assistant A, 9300-34800, pb-2, 4200 grade pay. after promotion to scientific assistant B, there is no change in grade pay and even no increment. Same as Trademan E to Tradesman F also same pay band grade pay. No increment too after years. so this post scientific assistant b and tradesman f should be abolished as it was not considered in 6th pay too ultimately employees suffered. Same like cases in many departments.i request admin for raising issue in this website to help employees and make committee hear the problem

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